Health education is a health education profession. [1] Areas of this occupation include environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, mental and spiritual health, and sexual and reproductive health education. [2] [3] The National Health Education Standards (NHES) are written expectations of what students should be able to know and do by Grades 2, 5, 8 and 12 to promote personal, family and community health. The standards provide a framework for curriculum development and selection, teaching and student assessment in the field of health education. The performance indicators outline exactly what students should know or be able to do to support each standard by completing each of the following classes: Pre-Kindergarten Grade 12. Performance indicators serve as a model for organizing student assessment. [13] The purpose and approach to health education in the United States has evolved over time. From the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries, the goal of public health was to control the damage caused by infectious diseases, which were largely under control by the 1950s. The most important current trend in the evolution of definitions of school health education is the growing recognition that schooling influences adult behaviour. In the 1970s, health education in the United States was seen primarily as a way to teach healthy medical practices to those who were supposed to practice them. [6] At the time, it was clear that reducing illness, death and rising health care costs could be best achieved by focusing on health promotion and disease prevention.
At the heart of the new approach was the role of a health educator. [7] Education and communication > teaching > general education > health educationSocial issues > health > health policy > health educationSocial issues > health > health policy > organization of health care > conventional medicine > health education In the 1980s, definitions began to include the belief that education is a means of empowering individuals to make informed health decisions. Health education in the United States has become „the process of supporting individuals. make informed decisions about issues affecting their own health and the health of others. [8] This definition emerged in the same year as the first National Survey of Health Education in Schools in the United States, which eventually led to a much more aggressive approach to educating young people on health issues. In the late 1990s, the World Health Organization launched a global health initiative to create „health promotion schools” that would improve school health programs at all levels, including local, regional, national and global levels. [9] Health education in Taiwan focuses on several topics, including: [18] In the United States, about forty states require health education education. A comprehensive health education program consists of planned learning experiences that help students adopt desirable attitudes and practices regarding critical health issues.
Some of them are: emotional health and a positive self-image; appreciation, respect and care for the human body and its vital organs; physical fitness; health problems related to alcohol, tobacco, drug use and substance use disorders; misconceptions and myths about health; the effects of exercise on body systems and overall well-being; nutrition and weight control; sexual relations and sexuality, scientific, social and economic aspects of community and environmental health; communicable and degenerative diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases; Disaster preparedness; driver safety and training; Factors in the environment and how these factors affect the environmental health of an individual or population (e.g. air quality, water quality, food hygiene); life skills; selection of professional medical and medical services; and the choice of health professions. [12] The World Health Organization has defined health education as „consciously constructed learning opportunities that involve some form of communication aimed at improving health literacy, including the enhancement of knowledge and the development of life skills conducive to individual and community health.” [5] Health education can be defined as the principle by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance or restoration of health.