In its voluminous and flamboyant way, Adrover clearly showed the emptiness of New York Fashion Week, which ends on Thursday. Among those interviewed were Pete Seeger and, naturally lamenting the „emptiness” of the American dream, Robert Meeropol, son of the Rosenbergs. You looked at his butt and there was a kind of emptiness. Nglish: Translation of hollowness for Spanish speakers We have opened our mind, the Mandeville, specifically to the emptiness of human virtue. But the closure of one school after another reveals the emptiness of these promises. There were no tears in his eyes, but a feeling of emptiness in his heart and great pain. Superficiality, alienation, escapism and emptiness are the result of a constant bombardment of confusing and blunt messages designed to reduce us to passive consumers. When I spoke to my mother, the quality of the call wasn`t bad – it was very clear – but there was also a strange kind of emptiness. Then she knocked on the floor and walls and found no sign of a hollow. The main channel, so busy with professional and professional voices moments before, now resonated with a distant electronic void, meaningless clicks and static stripes. So, were his best days of happiness just empty and self-delusional? We now know too much about the emptiness of institutions and the weakness of their leaders. He leaned against the carved door frame, hugged miserably, wondering why he could feel almost nothing, not even real grief – just a kind of emptiness that nothing would ever fill again in his entire life.

Perhaps others in the pueblo feel the same sense of frustration, a strange kind of emptiness and loss. „[E] sential, The Good German is a version of Casablanca`s parallel universe, which makes the film both interesting and ultimately gives it a certain emptiness,” writes Dr. Mabuse`s Kaleido-Scope`s Drew Morton. Medium-bodied, without the „hollow” that some Long Island reds have in the medium mouth, the tannins are medium-bodied and somewhat angular for the moment. My voice sounded joyful and encouraging, hiding the emptiness I felt. They let out a muffled rattle as he patted them. „Dig.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 30 September 2022. A little air also enters the hollow walls of the gadget, eliminating cold spots. James Given undoubtedly Dandino can prove the classic material It is silence in the face of the president`s attacks on constitutional order – a silence that resonates over the meadows and hollows as consent and permission.

Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! And because the brackets are hollow, the wiring for accessories like solar panels can live inside, where they are protected from the elements. Hollow hairs are made of silica, the same substance in glass. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Despite its relatively hollow structure, the Supersport-35 still weighs as much as a typical blade putter.