National Disability Rights Network – Find legal advice by state for people with disabilities. Legal Assistance for Veterans – Find free legal clinics and other resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. An annual legal review to assess your estate plan or update previous recommendations Pension Entitlement Centre – Get free legal help for issues related to your pension, profit sharing or retirement savings. Legal Services Corporation (LSC) – Find legal help for low-income individuals and families. The prepaid legal plan allows you to schedule an unlimited number of 30-minute phone consultations with a lawyer. Each consultation must focus on a single issue. You can also arrange an annual one-hour legal review. Unlimited 30-minute consultations on new legal issues Discuss your legal caseAt the scheduled time, you will receive a call about your legal case. For tips on how to find the right lawyer, questions to ask when hiring a lawyer, and how to avoid fraud, check out our free legal information. Your membership covers you, your spouse and your dependent children in personal matters.
If you or your spouse have a business, consider our Business Advantage Pro legal plan, which covers both personal and professional matters. Everyone should have access to a lawyer to help them solve legal problems. Tennessee Residents: Consulting services (also known as legal plan) in Tennessee are provided through a comprehensive legal services offering from an independent law firm and are subject to your limited scope representation agreement with the firm. This part of the LegalZoom website is an advertisement for legal services. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is LegalZoom Legal Services Ltd. LegalZoom Legal Services Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England & Wales. SRA-ID 617803. LegalZoom Legal Services Ltd. is a subsidiary of, Inc., Inc. does not endorse or recommend any lawyer or law firm that advertises on our website. Individual lawyers (also called lawyers) are experts in various areas of law. Some lawyers specialize in a particular area of law, such as commercial, civil, criminal or juvenile law. You need to determine what type of lawyer is right for your legal situation. Once you`ve found a lawyer, ask them about their experience, areas of expertise, and questions such as „How would you handle my case?” and „What do you charge for your services/what is your fee structure?” This advertising and all attorney services may be subject to additional terms and conditions located on each attorney`s website. Please visit the website of the sponsoring lawyer in your area for more details. Any agreement between you and your attorney is strictly between you and them.
Life changes and so does the law. Our network of trusted attorneys can advise you on all personal legal matters: The State Bar Association funds legal aid organizations across the state that provide legal services to low- and middle-income Californians. These organizations focus on your issues, from custody and family law to disability rights and veterans` benefits. Our personal legal plan, Legal Advantage, gives you unlimited 30-minute advice on new legal issues for a low monthly fee. Start building relationships with lawyers you can trust by signing up for our prepaid legal plan. Members of our prepaid legal plans can get legal advice on a range of personal and family matters. Regular legal consultations last 30 minutes and the annual legal review lasts 1 hour. Each legal issue must be unique.
Sign up for prepaid legal services today. Information about the law or tools to solve simple legal problems. Free pro bono legal aid – Find free or low-income legal aid. Review of legal documents up to 10 pages at no additional cost In addition to asking friends and family for the name of a good lawyer or checking the phone book, you can find legal help online. Federally funded legal aid firms provide lawyers who are experts in helping low-income people with legal problems. Choose from a wide range of legal forms. Download the forms as many times as you want and save them to your LegalZoom online library. RECOMMENDATION FROM A LAWYER: This part of the LegalZoom website is an advertisement. This part of the LegalZoom website is not a legal placement service.
LegalZoom does not endorse or recommend lawyers or law firms that advertise on our website. We make no representations or judgments about the qualifications, expertise or credentials of participating lawyers. The information contained on this site does not constitute legal advice. Any information you submit through this website may not be protected by solicitor-client privilege and may be provided to attorneys to determine your need for legal services. All case assessments are conducted by a participating lawyer. Armed Forces Legal Assistance – Find nearby military facilities with legal aid offices. * Some restrictions apply. Excluding shipping and registration costs, third-party products, legal forms and subscription plans. For more information, please see our Legal Plan Agreement, the LZLS Terms and Conditions and the Terms of Use of the Benefits. All product discounts are applied at checkout. Lawyers are not only there for emergencies. Good legal advice will help you make informed decisions on a variety of personal issues: – Find free legal aid programs in your community.
Here you will find information about your legal rights by topic, e.g. housing, divorce, family allowances and debt collection. Seniors Care Locator – Enter your postal code to find local offices for legal and senior care organizations. This public forum is not intended to provide legal advice and is not a substitute for professional legal advice. Unless expressly stated, the Content is not designed, approved or reviewed by LegalZoom. It`s simply a place where customers can help customers. If you need legal advice, LegalZoom can connect you with a licensed, independent attorney. If you provide answers, please do not provide legal advice if you are not qualified or authorized. Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers.
for persons in immigration procedures. Upsolve – Find free legal help to declare bankruptcy. Keep in mind that Chapter 7 bankruptcy information remains on your credit file for 10 years. This can make it difficult to get loans, buy a home, get life insurance, or get a job. Learn more about bankruptcy and other options for dealing with debt. Any legal document up to 10 pages in length is covered by your prepaid legal services subscription. There is a flat fee for longer documents: Contact your state`s consumer protection bureau for help resolving consumer issues. This office is often part of the Attorney General`s Office. Depending on your state and office, they can: An ongoing relationship with trusted professionals Manage your estate planning documents in one convenient place with your LegalZoom account. Choose a planSign up for consultations for 6 months or 1 year.
Including LLC, corporation, living trust, power of attorney, trademark, copyright and more. Arrange your consultationArrange a consultation with a lawyer who meets your needs. If you need someone immediately, you can request a call from the first available lawyer. Try our new app to easily plan your commute. The discount is applied to the lawyer`s standard hourly rate. Lawyer specialized in consumer rights. Note: Your state consumer office cannot represent you in a case or against a company. The California courts website also has online resources that can help you find help. ** The total price for the selected duration will be charged in a single payment and will be automatically renewed for the same term and rate, unless otherwise stated. Cancel online or by calling (877) 818-8787.
For details, see the Legal Plan Agreement and Subscription Terms. Let our lawyers guide you through your estate planning decisions – will, life trust, extended directive or power of attorney – to determine what best suits your needs. To see the lawyer in your area who is responsible for this announcement, please click here. If you live in Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, South Dakota, Utah or Wyoming, please click here for more information. Free legal answers – If you have a low income and qualify for the program, you can direct your civil law questions to the American Bar Association. Volunteer lawyers provide answers free of charge. They will not talk about criminal prosecution. Pro bono programs match low-income clients with pro bono lawyers who agree to take on their cases free of charge.