The production models will include not only new and improved versions of the already well-known AA-12 in a fully automatic configuration for military and law enforcement, but also a 100% legal semi-automatic version never before seen for the civilian market. The newly available AA-12 represents a significant improvement over previous production techniques, including improved design elements, and is now available at a significantly more consumer-friendly price. My name is Dave please give me information to get an aa12 or phone #thanx my #631)905-4528 [Then there are] the difficulties faced by Sol Invictus Arms in producing the semi-automatic version. We were advised, from the beginning of all legal proceedings with buoy, to wait for the decisions of the ATF before proceeding. The ATF said that even if we ourselves are not in danger, it would be wise to wait until all criminal cases are solved. And even when this is done, we have to build a semi-automatic AA-12 and register it with the ATF as a machine gun and send it to the technical service for examination. This comes after we had no less than six ATF agents and technical inspectors in our store, all of whom explained that it is not easy to rebuild. Our current illegally elected Doofus president is just a puppet of the Chicoms, so don`t expect one anytime soon. The press release states that this new version will have „significant improvements over previous production techniques, including improved design elements.” Michael Bloomberg has just ordered a dozen for his personal security service.

The best weapon used in the bush in Vietnam was a 12-gauge ethica pump. In 1987, Atchisson sold the AA-12 patent to Jerry Baber of Military Police Systems, who, along with Boje Cornils, spent the next few years making more than 100 different improvements to the weapon. Now, Cornils has partnered with Sol Invictus Arms and Tactical Superiority Inc. to offer a semi-automatic version for us ordinary people. Sol invictus means „invincible sun” or the Romans understood as „unconquered sun”. It was a religious cult/idea of monotheism introduced into Roman culture through the influence of the eastern part of the empire. I don`t know where „protecting the troops” comes from. Sol Invictus Arms with Tactical Superiority, Inc. is proud to announce the release of the AA-12 shotgun. This venerable proven shotgun is a new addition to the Sol Invictus Arms product offering. With several improvements, changes in manufacturing processes and improved variants for the civilian market, this shotgun, once only available to law enforcement and the military, is now available to the general public again. In June 2018, our sister website reported that a semi-automatic version of the coveted AA12 shotgun would hit the civilian market.

Sol Invictus Arms partnered with one of the developers of the weapon for the civilian version. There is no other way to say it – we were immediately excited. And we are not ashamed of it. Then we waited and waited and waited. A year later and still no AA-12 shotgun. So what happened? Originally designed by Max Atchisson in the early `70s, the AA-12 was a fully automatic, low-reverse, 12-gauge shotgun for military and law enforcement. According to Modern Firearms, its intended use was in close combat on city streets or in the jungle, providing short-range firepower during space clearance and ambush operations. Continue readingüchtigten-aa-12-nur-1000-verfügbaren- Fast forward to April 2022. Sol Invictus, LLC did not respond to my FFL request to estimate a waiting period.

Hi, I`m curious if you have the AA-12 shotgun for sale? If so, what would be the cost of the „tax” AND is there some kind of „guarantee”? Also, do you correspond to PRICE MATCH?? Thank you, I am interested in buying 3. How many are there and can I order? AA12 Specifications Cartridge: 12 caliber 2.75″ Action: Closed screw Semi-automatic barrel length: 18.25″ OAL: 38″ Weight: 10.5lbs Receiver: stainless steel Charger: 20 round drum or 8RD Box Mag This weapon has no practical purpose, except that it is a fun weapon to play with and have an open shotgun (the only one that is an open bolt) and if you want to hate a gun, Then you piss yourself off somewhere else. Sometime after 2005, Mr. Cornils began working with BC Engineering Co to build the BC Jaeger (seen in the video below), a semi-automatic version of the AA-12.