Apply to become a peer reviewer – learn more and download application forms Peer reviewers independently assess random samples of provider files using guidelines developed in consultation with the Law Society, law centres and not-for-profit consulting agencies. This guide can be found on our GOV.UK Legal Aid pages Applications are welcome starting July 4, 2022 for legal aid practitioners who are duly qualified to become independent assessors. Successful applicants will begin their training to become peer reviewers starting in September 2022. The contract has a duration of 2 years with an option to extend it to 2 years. We are looking for qualified legal aid professionals who would like to become contract experts for the Legal Aid Agency. Audits of Legal Aid Organizations – Guidelines for Independent Peer Review The deadline to submit the application is 31. July 2022 at 11:59 pm Once the evaluations are completed, a report will be prepared outlining the positive results, areas for improvement and the overall quality assessment. Detailed information on the application process and minimum requirements is available on GOV.UK. This work is important for our audit and assurance processes.

Contracts are awarded in the following categories: Unfortunately, the preview is currently not available. You can download the document by clicking on the button above. Anyone currently providing peer review services and wishing to continue this work from 1 October 2022 must also apply.