Most states don`t have laws setting an age requirement for child custody, and only some have guidelines on how old a child is before being left home alone. These guidelines range from six to 14 years. Here is a list of states with this policy: Colorado: 12*, Delaware: 12*, Georgia: 8*, Illinois: 14, Kansas: 6*, Maryland: 8, Michigan: 11*, Mississippi: 12*, Nebraska: 7*, New Mexico: 10*, North Carolina: 8, North Dakota: 9*, Oregon: 10*, Tennessee: 10* and Washington: 10*. Family dynamics must also play a role in parents` childcare decisions. Should a sibling remain responsible for their younger siblings? If so, how old should this brother or sister be? How long should or could it be in charge? In some families, it would never be helpful to blame a child because of family dynamics, sibling rivalries, or other particular challenges faced by one or more children. Michigan`s labor laws require children to be 14 years old to do farm work. But there really is no fixed age to look after children. Everything will depend on the maturity and skills of the chosen babysitter. Michigan State University Extension offers babysitting classes; Check online if your country has this class. Also contact your local Red Cross, health department and/or hospital for first aid and CPR training. The „right” or „minimum age” to let someone start caring is a subjective issue. Factors such as the age and maturity of the child or dependent children and the maturity of the caregiver are important to consider, as well as the amount of care the child or dependent children require.

This includes the number of hours and special care the child or children require. What parents need to know about siblings who babysit. The American Red Cross offers childcare and childcare classes to prepare course participants with universal skills and techniques that every babysitter should have. These courses are available online for those who prefer to study as they please or in a personal classroom with access to highly qualified teachers and classroom activities. These courses include basic care for infants and children, basic first aid, child behaviour, emergency protocols, leadership and age-appropriate activities. The Red Cross also offers CPR/AED first aid and certification courses. I believe a child can be left with a babysitter for weeks when parents are on vacation or on business trips. But I don`t think the nights are „babysitting” just for the convenience of parents, spread over a period of days or weeks.

This goes into the realm of „boarding” a child to live with someone. Wondering if this babysitter has been recognized as a foster parent? There is no legal age when it comes to keeping your child in the state of Michigan or leaving them at home. The group surveyed 20,000 families across the country and found that the average hourly rate for child care is $16.43 for a single child. *The age shown is the recommended minimum age at which a child can be left home alone instead of a minimum/legal age. How long after a child stays with a babysitter, he crosses the line from childcare to life??? Despite the fact that DHHS makes these recommendations, in reality, they are not state laws. This means that even if these are the ages and periods they consider safest, it is not illegal to leave a younger child alone for a longer period of time (or an older child for a shorter period of time). Michigan`s child support orders provide for reimbursement of child care expenses up to a child`s 12th birthday. Although I have not been able to find a law, it seems to be the age at which the courts consider a child to be old enough to stay home alone. Of course, we all know that some children mature at an early age, others are immature, and many are somewhere in the middle. Each parent would be well advised to base their decision to leave their minor child unattended on careful consideration of the child`s maturity and emotional stability in order to avoid the risk of being accused of inadequate care or supervision and/or lack of protection.

And finally, if you think your children are mature enough to be left home alone, the state gives some helpful tips. To see the full interview with Spectrum`s injury prevention specialist, watch the video below: If your child lives in Michigan and you think a parent is leaving the child or children unattended, you should check out the Michigan Child Protection Act. Is the other parent`s act „neglect” or abuse? Is leaving a child alone or leaving a sibling to younger children a „protective failure”? More information can be found on my website. If you answer yes to all of these questions, they might be mature enough to be left home alone. One of the examples that seems to appear regularly is that of children left unattended by parents who thought they were old enough to cope. Sometimes it`s obvious that the choice was wrong (five-year-olds simply can`t care for newborns), and sometimes it`s purely siuational. Regardless, once CPS is involved, a good family can be upset and try from within to deal with the state looking over their shoulder as they try to take care of their children. This website is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google`s privacy policy and terms of service apply. Can your child go outside while you are away? Hoekstra said it`s best to make a plan and set boundaries so they know what to do and what you agree with.

„It`s really important that you spell everything.” I`ve written many articles on how to tell if a child is old enough to be left home alone and how to tell when a sibling is old enough to be responsible for younger siblings. The list of these blog posts can be found at this link. „It was a little scary to think we were going to leave and leave them at home,” she said. „We just talked to each other and got an idea of what everyone was doing?” A 12-year-old is probably not mature enough to be responsible for 2 eleven-year-old twins for 6 to 8 hours or more. However, at the age of 12, the FOC abolishes the obligation to pay for childcare. Two states (Illinois and Maryland) have minimum age laws for a child to be left alone. Michigan does not have a law that imposes a specific age, but the „recommendation” of child welfare services is ten years old. How did they react? Were they nervous when you got home? This is a good indication of their willingness to be home alone for long periods of time,” she said.