The law reads: „blade more than five inches long and attached to a handle,” so the 5-inch blade would be legal. Ok, to clear the air for anyone asking about age, if you are under 15 years old it is ILLEGAL for you to carry a knife of any length, above the age of 15 you are allowed to carry a knife as long as the blade itself does not reach or exceed the length of 5 inches (i.e., even if it`s EXACTLY 5 inches, you can`t carry it, the wording is sometimes), people 21 years of age and older can carry a knife of 5 inches or older only if they have a firearm licence (there is no limit to how long you can carry swords, machetes, etc. I AM AWARE OF THAT). If you have any questions, it is best to talk to a local police officer, if you are direct and honest most of the time, they will be happy to answer your questions without any negative impact. This information comes from someone who has been wearing a Buck 119 Special (6 inches blade length) with several other knives, including hidden shoulder knives, for 7 years. If you have any questions about the legality or difference between the new and previous laws, feel free to email me With 5 inches, does that mean the whole knife or just the blade? -Balisong knives or butterfly knives are legal. -Bowie knives, knives and all other large knives are legal. -Throwing stars and throwing knives are legal. -Camouflaged knives such as pocket knives, comb knives and lipstick knives are legal. -Automatic knives, stiletto heels, switch blades, dirks and daggers are legal. -Automatic spring knives and ballistic knives are legal. -Non-metallic knives (not detectable with a metal detector) are legal.

In Georgia, there are no limits to the possession of knives. You can own any knife you want. There are only restrictions on carrying knives. While I`m not sure about the limits regarding your age, I`m a little concerned about age, from my experience when I was 13, I didn`t make any very good decisions. I am afraid you will take the gun as the first option rather than the last. You may want to discuss this with your parents and at least make sure it`s legal and they can teach you when it`s a good time to shoot the knife for defensive purposes. Some knives with blades larger than 12 inches are subject to legal weapons restrictions. The fact that your place of business may prohibit it does not make it illegal.

He can release you, he won`t arrest you unless you are asked to leave the property and refuse, then you could be arrested for criminal trespassing. Does the 5-inch knife simply mean a single-blade knife or would a double-blade knife be legal as long as none of the blades exceed 5 inches? I am 17 years old and I love it in Georgia and I have a fixed blade can I carry or do you need a mint Yes, throwing knives and throwing stars are legal in Georgia. You can own any knife, open or hidden, in Georgia as long as the length of the blade does not exceed 12 inches. „A blade attached to a handle of more than 5 inches and designed for offense and defense.” Just out of curiosity. Would that apply to a sword? It meets the requirements. Also check the specific rules for your city. As an Atlanta resident, the rules are very different from the rest of the state. Basically, you`re S.O.L. if you`re caught wearing a blade. If you are under twenty-one, you can carry a knife, BUT the blade must be five inches long or shorter. When you reach the age of twenty-one and get a gun licence, you can carry a knife longer than five inches of any length. By the way, firearms licences cost about $70 plus fingerprint costs.

You were on a school campus. Georgia limits the length of blades to 2 inches for knives transported on school grounds. It`s silly to be sure. But you are dealing with educators and stupid politicians. Here, „weapon” is used to refer to a knife or handgun. And „knife,” in legal Georgian usage, means „a cutting instrument designed for offensive and defensive purposes, consisting of a blade more than five inches [now 12 inches] long attached to a handle.” If I have a gun, can I carry a blade of 12 inches or more on me? You should also know that according to article 16-11-101 of the O.C.G.A. on sale and transfer, it is illegal to supply a certain weapon to persons under 18 years of age. This, of course, would include any knife „designed for the purpose of attack or defense.” A violation of this prohibition would result in a misdemeanor report. Is a machete legal without a license if I only use it a few times to make a trace in my Woods Georgia Knife laws are uniform across the board, and knives, including pocket knives, can be legally possessed. Folding knives have the same blade length restriction as other knives, but a pocket knife blade is unlikely to exceed 12 inches. And only pocket knives with blades less than two inches in length would be legal to carry, whether open or hidden, in schools, on school grounds, at school events and on school transportation.

I do not understand why there are prohibited knives, it is not the knife that breaks the law, it is the person behind it. Knives that open (change blades or assistance) are scary for some people, but it ruins it for people who appreciate them. I say that all knives should be banned. But the blade must not cause any damage. Knives are tools that can be used as a weapon that should not make them a weapon. I believe that any knife, as long as it is in the pocket, should be completely legal in all states. Swords are legal in Georgia because the length of the blade does not exceed 12 inches. You will need a firearms licence for open or concealed carrying if the length of the blade exceeds 12 inches. What about a man with a full-length sword outside in the yard swinging it without training? The revised law increased the maximum blade length for transporting knives from 5 inches to 12 inches.

So now it is LEGAL to open any knife with a blade 12 inches or less in length. Knives with blades larger than 12 inches require a firearms license. Here`s what you can and can`t carry – it`s LEGAL to carry any knife, open or hidden, with a blade less than 12 inches long. It is ILLEGAL to carry, open or hide a knife larger than 12 inches without permission. -For knives larger than 12 inches, you need a firearms license, after which there are no restrictions. If you remove all the confusing jargon and legal terms, the law is very simple. Possess a knife, regardless of the legal length, but carry knives (open or concealed) with blades not exceeding 12 inches. It is illegal to have a „weapon” within the meaning of section 16-11-127.1 as a „school safety zone” owned or leased to a K school through the university. Essentially, this means that each knife must have a blade less than two (2) inches long. Bonjour.Je want to thank you for the well-designed and easy-to-understand laws regarding all types of knives.

I have a question about the resale license I need to have before buying and selling. I already have my licence concealed. I want to get my gun dealer`s license. However, I also want to start looking at antiques, vintage, military and new knives, swords, etc. I also want to start both apps at the same time. I guess the gun dealer licence will take longer. So, if I wanted to start selling the blade side, would it affect me negatively? Do I have to wait for the gun dealer`s licence? If you or anyone else here could let me know, I would certainly appreciate it. Thanks again.

I need clarification on the definition of knife – does the total length of the knife have to be 5″ or less to be legal OR does the blade have to be 5″ or less, except for the handle, that is; Is a 5″ blade and a 4″ handle legal to carry? „Knives that can`t be detected with a metal detector are legal.” That`s great. Quick question: I carry three throwing knives every 8 inches and they are all solid steel with no handle, but the sharpened blades on one side are only 3 inches after that, it`s just flat metal, is it acceptable to carry or would it indeed be a permit? If a person is under the age of 15, could they legally carry a 7-inch blade knife on their property? I would really appreciate a quick response.