If you`re not interested in the mammals above, there`s a list of legal non-mammals that might pique your interest, but there`s a limit to how many you can legally keep. A non-commercial wildlife licence is required for native fox species and presumably species other than the fennec fox, which does not require a permit. The licence costs $10 and must be renewed annually. (h) the aviculture of non-exempt birds, including federally threatened and endangered species, authorized by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which have been shown to be breeding in captivity or legally kept prior to the approval of 321 CMR 2.12 and which are members of the following taxonomic groups: ciconiiformes (e.g., flamingos), anseriformes (e.g., ducks, geese, swans), Galliformes (e.g., pheasants, quails, grouse), gruiformes (e.g., ducks, geese, swans), Galliformes (e.g., pheasants, quails, grouse), gruiformes (e.g., ducks, geese, swans), gruiformes (e.g., p.e., flakes, grouse), gruiformes (e.g., Cranes and coots), columbiformes (e.g., pigeons, pigeons), psittaciformes (e.g., parrots), piciformes (e.g., toucans), passeriformes (e.g., songbirds). Not included are wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) or the following potential pest species: European starling (Sturnus roseus), Red-billed Divor, including Black-fronted Sudandioch and Sudandioch (Quelea quelea) and Red-whiskered Bulbulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus). Pennsylvania does not list exotic animals that are legal to own without a permit. This condition requires a permit for gray and red foxes in captivity. The cost of the permit is $33 and applies only to captive-bred animals. This likely means that exotic foxes are legal without a license. 15.1.2 Notwithstanding subsection 15.1.1 of this section, native wildlife may be possessed, imported, sold or offered for sale for commercial purposes without the permission of the Director if there is written documentation confirming that the wildlife was lawfully incorporated and transported from another state. Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of illegally possessed wildlife. (1) A wildlife hobby permit shall permit the holder to purchase, possess and propagate a total of not more than fifty (50) collared pheasants and white-tailed quails for personal use and not for sale; and not to keep in captivity more than one (1) wild mammal acquired from a Missouri wildlife licence holder, except that wildlife, ungulates and Class II skunks may not be kept under such licence.

Wild mammals can be kept in captivity, but cannot be propagated or sold. This permit must be obtained before receiving wildlife. The permit holder must prove that the wild mammals and birds were legally acquired. Wild animals must be housed in humane and sanitary facilities that meet the standards set out in 3 CSR 10-9.220. Wildlife can only be disposed of on the instructions of a ministry officer, but cannot be released, sold or donated. The permit is subject to all the provisions of section 578.023, the only legal species of fox is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Others are regulated and controlled by licences; However, this is rarely, if ever, given to private pet owners. If an animal is not prohibited or does not require a permit, it may be kept as a pet. However, no person may own more than 6 animals of any kind and not more than 25 wild animals at a time.

Coatimundi bred in captivity can be kept as pets, but proof of legal acquisition is required. No county west of the Pecos River with a population of less than 25,000 requires a permit. The following information was collected using multiple resources in the hope of finding the most recent legislation (this information was collected in November 2018). The regulations of many states have remained unchanged for years, however, it is not impossible that any of the following information is false, so if there is confusion about the legality of an animal that you seriously want to obtain, you may need to verify this information by calling the right governing bodies. Korea Are foxes legal? JAFennec foxes, red foxes, arctic foxes, pale foxes and other non-endangered species can be legally owned, whether they come from captivity – breeders, zoological facilities, fur farms – or from the wild. Japan Are foxes legal? JAFennec foxes, red foxes, arctic foxes, pale foxes and other non-endangered species, regardless of colour, can be legally owned and without a permit. Foxes must come from breeders, fur farms or zoological institutions. Keeping a wild-caught fox as a pet is illegal. There is a wide variety of animals that are completely legal to own in the state, but residents and visitors should be aware that it is generally illegal to own wild animals in Colorado. This condition is very unusual in its admission of all species of foxes, including those caught in the wild. However, there is a catch. Two native fox species, red and gray foxes, cannot be imported from the following states and countries: Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming or Canada.

There aren`t many places to buy foxes, and there are well-known breeders in Indiana, Texas, and Ohio. To import a fox from abroad, you will also need to obtain a single import permit, which will likely be issued to pet owners for the cost of $25. Only up to 6 native wildlife (foxes, squirrels, raccoons and some other species) are allowed in each household. For non-native fox species, proof that they were legally acquired and a health certificate from an accredited veterinarian are required, which is appropriate. It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: (b) Such fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates smuggled into the State or illegally kept may be seized by any official of the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection and moved or disposed of as determined by the Commissioner. The Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection issues an invoice to the owner or person in illegal possession of such an animal for all costs of seizure, care, maintenance, movement or disposal of such animal. This list is as complete as possible for states that allow any type of fox. If your condition is not on this list, it is likely that a fox species is not legal and to know otherwise, firm confirmation by a state official is required.