„Entrance area.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/entryway. Retrieved 11 October 2022. An entrance is the door, passageway or general area of the entrance to a building. Your veterinarian`s entrance can be decorated with photos of dogs and cats. My son is an inferior person who leaves his shoes all over the entrance area. Flashes of light fill the scene as the shattering force tears through the entrance. Example: Take this aquarium through the entrance of the fishmonger, and I meet you with the animals. The new entrance plans look more like Rodeo Drive than a quiet tropical hideaway. Literal entries come in all shapes and sizes. It can be a simple door that allows you to enter a building, a large space with many entry points, such as the side of a shopping mall, or a large room that leads to the rest of the building. You don`t need to make room in your non-entry for this little hanging planter. BUY NOW: Rust Finished Wall Planter of Terrain, $28, shopterrain.com I think the other answers don`t relate directly to the small space you`re talking about. On the other hand, no one would say that a company building has an airlock, because that implies an airtight chamber.
The first area you see when you enter your home makes a big impression! Call it an entrance area, call it a foyer, this space can range from tiny to sprawling. Today, we bring you a lot of inspiration for design and answer a key question: What is a home? Find out the features of this room and how to decorate it. I would call „entrance”, „entrance” or „entrance” the small room, usually less than 10 feet by 10 feet, separated by a double row of doors at the entrance to a commercial establishment. The lobby (or lobby if it is larger) is usually the space found just after entering through the second door. An old man covered in a turban sat directly in the entrance area, a small bowl to pick up change against the stuffing of the door. The red carpet at the Golden Globes looks like the entrance to a funeral home. A vestibule is also a small room at the entrance of a building. It is derived from the Latin vestibule, which means forecourt.
It would be rare in AmE to describe a house as an antechamber. It is a dictionary synonymous with the other two, but in everyday language, I say it is more related than synonymous. „Vestibule” is the technical term for the entrance to a commercial/office building. I just saw a „Minnesota Goodbye” last 23 minutes in an entrance area. Then an aunt came out of a back room and it all started again. A lobby and a foyer are usually synonymous, but lobby implies that it is a larger size. For example, hotels and theaters have lobbies, but houses do not. An entrance hall does not need to be at the entrance (although it usually is). Lobby is derived from the ancient Latin lobbium, meaning gallery.
Let`s go out immediately and stack as much wood as possible, in the entrance area next to the kitchen. No one could enter the building because Cloe and Tia were standing in the entrance area, talking and blocking the entrance. D`yuh doesn`t think I saw this Billy-Dooin – you and him in the lobby – huh? What words share a root or word item with the Inbox? Especially if you`re dealing with a lobby that`s really just another room`s wall, placing a carpet in that area will look like a uniform, separate entrance. (Note to yourself: get one that`s easy to clean! The opening, door, or small room you walk through when entering a house or building is called an entrance. The entrance to your home could be a very small area with a wardrobe and mirror, while the entrance to a palace is probably quite large, and the entrance to the city library could have book return slots and a security system to ensure no books are stolen. Whether your front door opens onto a classic grand entrance (dreams!) or directly into the dark corner of the kitchen (reality), this will be the first place your guests will see in your home. Also: you. This will be the first place to welcome you in the evening after work.
„Even small fireplaces are the first impression,” says interior designer Peter Dunham, who recommends a bold look for this part of your home, even if it`s not really big or technically isn`t even a separate space. „Small fireplaces offer an ideal location for high-end effects. This will easily compensate for any lack of space by being luxurious and special. The following small entry ideas – and the perfect products to see through – will turn your non-fireplace into a pleasant entrance area, regardless of size or scale. Discover 12 ways to make a good first impression, even if you only have a white wall on the door. They made four trips from this place to the entrance next to the kitchen, each time bringing all the logs they could carry. She joked from a dark entrance leading through the doors as I teamed up with her. Through this entrance we entered a large and long room, actually a series of arcades filled with light.
A fireplace is an area at the front of the house that one enters after passing through the front door. The fireplace connects the entrance of a house with the rest of the interior. Some fireplaces have the feel of a space, while other entrance areas resemble hallways (in some cases, these may be called „entrances” rather than „fire pits”). He was fascinated by the images of his escape through the foggy entrance to the supermarket, which was covered in pepper spray. An antechamber is a small room that serves as an entrance to a larger room. Receptor cells for ACE2, the entry of the new coronavirus into the body, could provide an answer. It was a public entrance before it was closed a few years ago for security reasons. A hotel or theater may have a fire pit, but it would normally be a small room next to the entrance. A house can also have a fireplace. Hearth is derived from focarium, Latin for center. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word „inbox”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
Send us your feedback. Is the input used correctly in the following sentence? The term „hearth” is often used as a synonym for „entrance” or „entrance.” Some entrances are tiny and consist of little more than a simple console next to the front door. Others are quite large, spread over two levels and offer views of the stairs. You`ll probably hear the term „fireplace” when describing an entrance with the feel of a space. The first mentions of the entry of the term date back to around 1740. It is an Americanism that combines the terms entry, which describes „the act of entering,” and path, which means „one way.” A pictorial entry is usually a way to politely enter a conversation. In a discussion, you might listen to a certain phrase that would be your entry into the discussion about something else. The entrance to designer CeCe Barfield`s Gramercy Park home is limited to a door at the end of a long hallway, as there`s really no room for other furniture due to the way the lobby is designed. To define the space and draw attention to it, she painted the door a bright green. You could do the same! First, two stone holes adjacent to Waun Mawn were arranged so that their stones formed an entrance that faced the midsummer solstice sunrise seen from the center of the circle. We have already learned that furniture such as small tables, consoles and benches are a popular choice for decorating the home.
A carpet or side path can also be added to the room, especially since many fireplaces are uncarpeted: one of the biggest input problems has to be the ever-increasing pile of mail you face, which is why a handy dandy sorter is such a good idea. The living room occupied the center, with a kind of winter kitchen and an entrance behind. An entrance is a passage or space designed as an entrance to a building. There was an entrance near another courtyard which was itself a prelude to the heart of the main temple. The entry can also describe a pictorial entry, as an entry into a conversation, as in Because the twins never took a break during the conversation, I couldn`t find an entrance to their conversation. Lee knew he had to keep documenting what was happening in the Capitol, so shortly after leaving the original group, he found another group that walked through another entrance and re-entered the Capitol. What are the words that are often used when it comes to the entrance? If you want to add seating but don`t have much wall space, try one or two small, stylish chairs.