People who try to apply for the position of law professor and have experience as a trainee lawyer usually succeed in getting the position. However, people generally prefer to choose a law teaching job when they have finished paying off their law school loan. Getting a teaching position is not easy, it seems. Take an experience of 2 or 3 years of practice that is valuable, but not more than that. Experience is a must to get any job. The best thing every teacher has is their skills. The skills to teach others, because teaching is an art, because it`s not what someone can do. This requires good storytelling and problem-solving skills. Australian teachers are in high demand around the world. You can`t motivate someone as easily as the teacher. Summary: A law professor plays an important role in building a strong legal education system in a country. Legal education did not receive the necessary support from Indian decision-makers after independence. It is high time to reflect on the current problems and challenges of legal education.

In the face of global competition, the current legal education system needs to be rethought. The article focuses on the challenges of the teaching and learning process in law schools. So far, law schools have not focused on training students` practical skills. There is a trend to increase the teaching of practical skills to law students. The important skill needed for students is to improve the ability to learn new knowledge. Law professors tend to focus on evaluating a final product rather than „how they arrive at the final product.” Law schools could improve their students` learning by implementing best practices to assess this learning. Law schools can do this by criticizing students and giving them feedback through effective assessment methods. The introduction of self-assessment techniques can help students improve their skills and, at the same time, it can provide the teacher with more information to assess their students` learning. By introducing and pursuing students with skills training and using more effective assessment techniques, the teacher enhances the lifelong learning skills of law students and transforms them into experienced learners. The main goal of a legal education should be to turn students into knowledgeable learners. There is a general feeling that legal education is at risk, and law professors have failed to focus on adequately preparing students for the practice of law and the role of the lawyer in society.

India`s legal education system has not focused on practical skills and effective assessment models to better prepare law students for legal practice. In this context, this article attempts to analyze the issues and challenges facing law professors in India. Legal education in India is regulated by various authorities, namely: the Bar Council of India, the affiliated university, the state government, and the University Grants Commission. The issues and challenges facing law professors in India have been studied many times. Law Commission of India 14th Report (1958) and 184th Report (2002), National Knowledge Commission Report in 2007 and National Legal Knowledge Council (NLKC) and Supreme Court observation in BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA v. BONNIE FOI LAW COLLEGE & ORS, among other decisions, have some relevance to the issues and challenges facing law professors. There are various institutions that provide legal education in India, namely: private law colleges, private law colleges covered by grants, state law colleges, national law universities, reputable universities, private universities, world universities, etc. I taught law full-time at a private law school and a national law university, and now work at a government law school.

From my personal experience, the problems of law professors can be roughly divided into two groups, namely: one relates to conditions of service and other benefits, and the other relates to teaching and learning, which emphasizes the role of legal education in improving the legal profession, the legal system and society.