Each veterinary school has different requirements. A list of veterinary schools and their requirements can be found here. Check each school`s requirements on their websites before applying. VMCAS: The Veterinary Medical College Application Service® (VMCAS) ® is where your application for admission to veterinary school begins. To be considered for admission to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, all applications submitted must meet the following minimum requirements: Know the admission process and schedule of the veterinary school you are interested in. Most veterinary schools require candidates to take the GRE before applying, so be sure to take the test before the application deadline. Applications from the Veterinary Applications Service, as most schools accept applications, are available online in May (paper applications are not available), and the deadline for submission is September. (Until then, prepare your transcripts and letters of reference as well.) Interview notices are usually sent out in mid-November, interviews take place in mid-December. No specific undergraduate program is required or preferred for admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program. Applicants may select majors and schools based on their interest and suitability, provided the prerequisites are met. Prerequisites can also be met after obtaining a bachelor`s degree.
Prior to enrollment, a bachelor`s degree from a regionally accredited university is required. Check the minimum admission requirements to make sure you can apply. We also recommend that you read the full checklist and instructions provided here before beginning the application process. Veterinarians have excellent opportunities to teach in veterinary schools or colleges. Instructors teach courses that encourage professional students to develop problem-solving skills and strategies that promote animal health. Faculty members also conduct basic and clinical research and provide various services to the public. UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, like many veterinary schools across the country, requires a minimum of 180 hours of animal, veterinary and biomedical work and/or experience. However, approved applicants have an average of 2,500 to 3,000 hours. So look for ways to observe and volunteer as early as possible. The Internship and Career Centre can help you find possible opportunities. Not only can volunteering help you prepare for veterinary school, but it can also determine if it`s the right career path for you and connect you with people who could serve as future references.
Do you like fuzzy four-legged creatures and do you have a passion for science? Then, a career in veterinary medicine could be the next step for you. Here are five things you need to know to prepare for veterinary school. All GRE assessment reports must be submitted electronically from ETS to VMCAS using UC Davis School Code 4804. VMCAS accepts points at the opening of the application window and until September 15. Do not send results reports directly to UC Davis. It takes some time for ETS to process scores and rating report requests and for VMCAS to process reports. Don`t wait until the last minute to request reports. If your results have not been received by VMCAS by September 15, your application will be incomplete and will not be considered for admission. *1122 requests received from VMCAS. Only 979 applicants met the application requirements. VMCAS must receive all transcripts by September 15. Late transcripts will not be received.
Transcripts accidentally sent to UC Davis can NOT be added or attached to applications. Applications that do not have a certificate by the deadline will not be considered for admission. No exceptions are made, so please plan accordingly. GRE 31 August 2022 is the last date to take the GRE for the current application cycle. Use the school code VMCAS 4804 to have your results delivered to the VMCAS. Do not use the UC Davis general school code. Do not wait until the last minute to pass the GRE as time extensions are not granted. Check your VMCAS portal to ensure your GRE results are received by the deadline.
If the deadline is approaching and your results are not published, contact VMCAS and ETS directly. Starting with the 2021-2022 application cycle, VMCAS` personal statement consists of an appeal: Your personal statement is a one-page essay (no more than 3,000 characters) that gives veterinary approval committees a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you are pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. The personal statement is your first chance to give admissions committees subjective information about your qualifications and reasons for choosing a career. In other words, the personal statement is your first opportunity to present yourself as an interesting and unique candidate who deserves closer scrutiny. Experience: There are six types of experiments in VMCAS: Animal experience (not under the supervision of a veterinarian) Veterinary experience (under the supervision of a veterinarian) Research employment (not related to animals) Extracurricular activities Volunteering (not related to animals)You have 600 characters to describe each of these experiences. If an experiment was animal-related, also indicate the types of animals you worked with (small animals, food animals, horses, etc.). Use the following table to determine which category your experience falls into: You will also have the opportunity to discuss awards, honors and scholarships in the VMCAS Achievements section. Letters of recommendation: You must submit at least 3 letters of recommendation, called „notices” in VMCAS, to submit your application. Once you have added the information of a letter writer, they will receive an email with instructions on how to submit a letter. Often, schools will ask or recommend that your letters come from specific people, including:Faculty of Science (usually, schools ask for 2 letters from science teachers)Non-scientific or large facultyNon-academic professionalsVeterinariansIt is very important that you keep track of the letter requirements for the schools you plan to apply to.
Additional application: If a school requires an additional application, it will send instructions to complete after your VMCAS application has been reviewed or after the VMCAS deadline is September 15. Additional requests usually include a processing fee. For example, the UC Davis fee is $60. You may need to respond to short trials as part of additional requests, such as: What unique qualities will you bring to the veterinary school and the field? You can also try enrolling in the pre-college program at the School of Veterinary Medicine. This five-week intensive summer program is designed to provide college students with activities that enhance their preparation for veterinary school. The HPA recommends that pre-veterinary students maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, although many veterinary schools have GPAs above this minimum. Many programs have a threshold of 3.0, which means they can „sort” your application if you apply with a score below 3.0. The stronger you are in your undergraduate studies, the more competitive you will be for veterinary school. Send the application to Admissions@vetmed.ucdavis.edu or supporting information that does not need to be official, or send an email to: August 31: Deadline for the 2022-2023 GRE application cycle.
Use the VMCAS school code 4804 to send the results directly to the VMCAS. Home Test option temporarily available. Do not send results directly to UC Davis. Non-English speaking applicants must take the ib-TOEFL test unless they have earned a bachelor`s degree from an English-speaking university in the United States. The minimum number of points allowed is 105. The TOEFL test must be taken before age 31. August and results must be sent to school code 4834 by September 15. In the table of prerequisites for veterinary school, you will find an example of a list of veterinary schools and their requirements. International applicants must submit their applications through VMCAS, meet the above eligibility criteria, and meet the following additional requirements: Each veterinary school requires different levels of experience. For example, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine requires 180 hours of veterinary experience, while Western University requires 500 hours.
Many students will apply with many more hours than the minimum requirements. Vet School Bound has an interactive map that lists experience requirements for different schools. You must apply within one year prior to the start of veterinary school. (For example, if you plan to start school in the fall of 2020, you will need to apply in spring 2019.) Personal Statement: Please note that these are the minimum requirements and competing apps have much higher GPAs and experience. International applicants have additional requirements. While there is no pre-veterinary major at UC Davis, you can (and should) take a number of courses before the end of the spring term prior to enrollment if you want to enter veterinary school. Veterinary schools across the country each have their own list of course requirements prior to admission.