Personal data can then only be lawfully disclosed if the individual has consented to it or if it is necessary to protect the person or comply with the law. 3.2 Help others understand and contribute to records Sensitive Personal Data – Personal data is any information on any medium relating to a living person who is or has been involved in an organization. In a care setting, it would contain information about service users and employees. 2. Discuss or disclose information about people using health and care services and their carers only in accordance with the law and agreed working methods. Health care facilities should establish and use standards for handling information and document them in their policies and procedures. All employees who handle information should be trained on how to handle information relevant to their role. Healthcare facilities contain many types of personal information about employees, their caregivers and their families, as well as the third parties they work with. Here are some best practice tips for handling information: The key points are to keep all information on a need-to-know basis, to treat all information shared with you as private and confidential, unless the user of the service tells people himself or says otherwise. Don`t discuss anything within earshot of others, keep it a secret. We use an electronic safe, a system that stores the data stored in a secret file and can only be accessed by management with a secure password.

Anyone who wants the information has to ask the manager and it works on a need-to-know basis. In addition, maintenance plans, Mars sheets, and all documents pertaining to any of the users of the service will be locked until they need to be used. This ensures privacy and who can see it. We even keep information away from family and friends. What we tell them is that if the person wanted them to know, they would tell them. Of course, you can refer to the legislation listed above. You don`t need to know the book of Acts by heart, but you do need to understand its main points. The obligation of confidentiality also requires due diligence to take certain precautions with respect to the personal information of the Service User and staff stored in files or computers.

It must be treated in such a way that it is not accessible to anyone who does not have permission to access it. This law allows individuals to request information from public bodies such as the NHS, local authorities and government agencies. Public sector bodies must respond by providing the requested information or a valid reason why it cannot be disclosed. The aim is to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of taxpayers` money. Digital Social Care is a group of organizations that work together to support adult social service providers and receive guidance on how to handle information. The obligation of secrecy is an example of this type of „case law” and states that confidentiality should be preserved if it can reasonably be expected to be applicable, for example: when a person provides personal data to health and care services. This course provides an introduction to the concept of information processing in healthcare settings. By the end of the course, you will understand the need to handle information securely and how to access support if you have questions about access to information. The course covers the important role privacy plays in building trusting relationships with the people you care for, defining key terms such as „need to know” and „consent.” The agreed working methods are agreed upon for all aspects of your role, including recording, storing and sharing information.

You must prove to your credential assessor that you respect them in your daily practice. The use of secure systems for recording, storing and sharing information is essential in health care and social services. Therefore, this course is important for all health professionals. Much of the information we use on a daily basis is deeply personal and confidential to the people we support, and we have a duty to respect and protect their privacy and dignity. A care facility must have secure data storage systems for all information it processes, whether it is physical storage such as filing cabinets or electronic storage such as a computer, USB flash drive or external hard drive. Physical storage should be lockable and the rest, and electronic storage systems should be encrypted. When dealing with information in a care facility, the most important security measure is to have effective policies and procedures, implement them consistently, and ensure that employees are aware of their responsibilities and have received appropriate training to handle information effectively and securely. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is the law that gives you the right to request from any public body any information it has on the chosen subject. Unless there is a valid reason, the organization must provide information within 20 days.

The Commission de la qualité des soins also applies the rules and regulations that must be followed. Now they have the right to close a house if it does not follow the procedures. Any information you write about a person must be factual and written in clear and legible writing. Documentation should also be regularly reviewed and reviewed to ensure it is up to date. The frequency depends on your organisation`s agreed ways of working and the needs and preferences of the people you support. For example, a person`s care plan may need to be reviewed and updated every 3 months, while their budget plan may only need to be done annually. However, even if the validation data is self-explanatory, you should update the records more frequently as circumstances change. In a care facility, records must be kept, for example, but not limited to: confidentiality and safe and correct processing of personal data are crucial in all areas, but no more so than in care facilities, especially since they process large amounts of special categories of data, such as: Information about people`s health. Maintenance settings must properly care for information and protect privacy by managing the security of information and records. The potential impact of loss or unauthorized use of this data is significant. Care facilities only need to provide information about their NHS work, not sensitive confidential information following an access to information request.

It is important to keep records up-to-date to provide accurate, up-to-date, complete and accurate information on the condition and care required for all. All records made in meteorological writing or electronically must be signed and dated; They must also be stored properly in accordance with this Data Protection Act 1998. It is important that records are kept up to date, as this will meet the needs of the individual and can also help reduce the likelihood of abuse. If an organization fails to maintain the records of its service users, it can raise serious concerns and damage its company`s reputation. All confidential information must only be retained by a foster home for as long as required by law and must be securely archived and disposed of. When processing information in a healthcare facility, you must respect individuals` right to confidentiality at all times. Whenever a user of the service communicates something to an employee, unless it explicitly states that the information may be shared, the information must be considered confidential and must not be disclosed to third parties without the permission of the maintenance user. 2.2 Demonstration of security practices when storing and retrieving information In the area of social protection, the Information Commissioner`s Office (ICO) handled a total of 63 data breach incidents in the second quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, over a three-month period between 01.07.2021 and 30.09.2021. You can seek advice from your supervisor and more experienced colleagues. There may be others in your organization who can offer expertise, such as a human resources manager (for personnel files) or an IT manager (for computerized information systems).