Illinois is currently the only state with a law covering this new area of HR technology. The AI Video Interviews Act regulates how employers can use AI to analyze video interviews. Employees have the right to an adequate level of privacy protection in the workplace. This will affect not only the surveillance you are considering, such as installing video surveillance systems, but also the personal data you have stored about them. There is no general right to read employee correspondence simply because it is (for example) about the use of technology in the workplace. If you read emails or messages that are clearly personal, you need to be able to justify it. The more technology you use in the workplace, the more accurate and detailed you can get a picture of your employees, their personal lives, habits, and activities. This information is collected automatically if you use many technological solutions, it does not need to be specific and conscious monitoring. By 2025, the HR technology market will be worth about $30 billion, according to management consulting firm Grand View Research. Measured from 2019, this is an average annual growth rate of 11%. Each healthcare organization must make an independent judgment about the HR practices to be supported by HRIS, the type of HRIS to be adopted, the appropriate timeline and the stakeholders to be involved in these projects.

However, such decisions should be based not only on the availability of funding or coherence with key users, but also on the specific objectives of the organisation concerned, its willingness to adopt those technologies [56], context-specific environmental, organisational and individual factors, and the evidence base influencing their development, implementation or use. Therefore, this evidence base needs to be expanded and enriched as soon as possible. Recruiting healthcare professionals can be a lengthy process, which can take up to 18 to 24 months [6, 33]. With the 19% increase in the employment rate in the healthcare sector [34] and the threat of staff shortages, healthcare organisations are rethinking their recruitment practices with the primary objective of finding and recruiting qualified staff as quickly as possible. Even small changes in the recruitment process, such as automating emails to candidates or collecting reference information, have proven to make significant improvements. For example, the introduction of a recruitment checklist detailing the documents that candidates from Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Hospital Foundation Trust (UK) must bring to the interview reduced recruitment time by more than half and saved 25,000 working days within 6 months of their launch [6]. Meanwhile, through the use of Healthcare Source`s staff assessment solution, the Central Maine Medical Family (US) reported a decrease in staff turnover from 22% to 15% and nursing turnover from 20% to 11% in the first year [35]. The impact of technology on HR can be a double-edged sword. „Employers are looking for more efficiency in their hiring process, and we see the opportunity to get quick and measurable results when AI selects candidates,” she said. „There are AI-related tools that screen resumes and applications, evaluate video interviews, create work simulations and chatbots, and use social media to determine candidates` digital footprint. The key legal question is whether these tools are used to make decisions about candidates and employees.

When we use these tools to decide whether or not to get employees through the hiring process, or who we promote, we need to pay close attention to the impact they have. In the event of non-compliance, an employee has the right to sue for various reasons. HR departments must therefore be aware of all laws and regulations. They also need to understand how they should deal with potential legal issues. As technology advances, big data and AI will continue to be able to determine proxy variables for private and personal attributes with increased accuracy. Today, for example, Facebook likes can be used to infer sexual orientation and race with considerable accuracy. Political affiliation and religious beliefs are equally easy to recognize. Could companies be tempted to use such tools to screen candidates because they believe that decisions that are not made directly on the basis of protected characteristics are not legally enforceable? While an employer can`t break laws by simply recognizing an applicant`s personal information, the company can become vulnerable to legal risk if it makes adverse employment decisions based on protected categories such as place of birth, race, or native language — or private information it isn`t allowed to consider. such as possible physical illnesses or mental disorders. It is not clear how the courts will deal with situations where employers have relied on tools that use these proxy variables.

However, the fact is that it is illegal to take an adverse act based on certain protected or private characteristics – regardless of how they were experienced or derived. Most importantly, PEOs can competently handle complex legal issues when it comes to human resource management. Business owners spend a lot of time deciphering the laws or regulations that apply in all the work situations their employees face. When working with a PEO, landlords no longer have to worry about government regulations that affect human resource management. Instead, they can focus on their core business. Because the impact of technology on HR is dramatic, it`s surprising that no meaningful sign-up option has been developed to combine HR knowledge with knowledge of its technology, Sumser said. The regulatory burden and legal issues surrounding pension and pension plans have existed for years. But the coronavirus pandemic has compounded the headache of managing employee pension funds. Fraser Sherman has written about all aspects of the business: how to start one, how to be in the dark, the best business structure, the details of the financial statements. He also ran a few small businesses. He lives in Durham NC with his amazing wife and two wonderful dogs. HR departments and executives are feeling the impact of technology on HR – a trend that will only grow.

The impact of technology on HR is also evident in how companies tame their bureaucratic beasts. However, you have to keep in mind that technological breakthroughs can`t compete with humans.