Summary judgment – A decision of the court, based on a request by a party, to settle all or part of a case without trial. Summary judgment can only be rendered if the facts are not disputed and the law is clear. Citation – A ticket or other indication that a lower-level crime has been committed and that the accused must appear in court. Quotes are submitted to the registry of the district court after they have been issued. Court of Common Pleas – The court of general jurisdiction in Ohio. A joint plea court has legal authority for adult criminal cases, major civil cases, and all other matters that are not dealt with by another more specialized court. The General Division of the Clermont County Court of Common Pleas is the court of Clermont County. Seizure – A court order issued by the clerk that orders a party to pay money to the court for the payment of a debt. The two most common garnishments are: (1) a wage garnishment to order an employer to pay a limited percentage of an employee`s salary to the clerk`s office for the payment of a court judgment, and (2) a bank garnishment, which orders a bank to pay money from an account to pay a court judgment. Pro se (also called self-representation) – Appearing in court to present a case without a lawyer. Anyone who has a criminal case before municipal or general courts should consider hiring a lawyer because of the risk of committing a legal error that would prejudice their case.

Serve also refers to what the court clerk does with documents to ensure that a person or company obtains those documents or is notified of a court hearing or order. The clerk may deliver documents by mail, registered mail, through the sheriff`s office, or through a designated person called a bailiff. Recog bond (also known as acknowledgement bond or Recog or „O.R.”) A defendant`s personal promise to appear in court on a criminal complaint. Failure to appear free under a guarantee of recognition may result in separate criminal charges against the accused. O.R. stands for „on commitment”. Record – To give documents to a court for legal review by a judge or judge. A document is filed when it is delivered to the court office in person, by mail, by delivery service or, in certain circumstances, by facsimile.

When a document is filed, it is stamped with the date and time of submission, noted in the court file, stored as an electronic image, and included in the case master file. Warrant (also called an arrest warrant or capias) – A court order ordering the police or sheriff to arrest a person, usually for committing a crime or violating a court order. The registrar issues arrest warrants if ordered by a court. The County of Clermont uses the word „warrant,” while other courts could use „capias.” Magistrate – A lawyer appointed by a court to conduct certain trials and hearings and to make some of the decisions and decisions in cases before the courts. Magistrates exercise the same judicial power as judges to make decisions when presiding over cases. Judges retain the legal authority to make final decisions in cases. Judges and magistrates must be called „your honour” in trials or hearings. Bail (also known as bond) – The obligation of another party to ensure that a defendant appears in court in criminal proceedings. A bail society (represented by a surety guarantor) makes a written promise to pay the court a fixed sum of money if the defendant does not appear. A judge or magistrate determines the dollar amount of the promise based on several factors, such as: the seriousness of the alleged crime, previous crimes, previous non-appearance in court, the defendant`s attachment to the local community, etc. Defendant – A party who opposes a plaintiff in court and attempts to prevent the issuance of a declaration or court order.

If someone is applying for a civil protection order (OPC) against you, you are the respondent. Waybill – The official record of all documents filed by the parties or created by the court in a case. The Registrar prepares and maintains the file for all criminal and civil matters. Defendant – A person, business, or other legal entity charged with a crime in a criminal proceeding, whether a felony or misdemeanor. Judge – An official who is empowered to exercise the powers of the court and to make all decisions and decisions in all cases. In Ohio, judges are elected and administer criminal and civil cases. All judges are lawyers with at least six years` experience. Misdemeanor – A level of crime below, below the crime, punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both.

Administrative offences are usually dealt with by the District Court. Pro se (also called self-representation) – Appearing in court to present a case without a lawyer. There is a risk of making legal mistakes if you appear without a lawyer. Some courts, such as the Small Claims Court (which is part of the district court), encourage parties to bring a civil action without a lawyer. Filing Fees / Court Fees – Money required by law or local court order to be paid by a party as a deposit to commence civil proceedings. The filing fee is used to cover costs and expenses, such as postage and computerized accounting, for the normal operation of the office. The money deposited to cover court costs will be used throughout the proceedings, with the unspent surplus being returned to the party who paid the deposit. The roll can also mean the daily schedule of hearings and hearings. A case scheduled for a hearing is scheduled for that day „on the judge`s agenda.” The Assignment Office maintains the minutes and schedule of the Court of Common Pleas. Small jury – The jury in the hearing of a case, whether it is a criminal or civil matter. A jury decides, after hearing all the evidence, whether one party owes something to another (civil matter) or whether or not a person is guilty of a crime (criminal case).

Court Registrar – The elected official responsible for receiving, processing, preserving and securely maintaining a complete record of all documents filed in court proceedings. There are separate clerks` offices for the Court of Common Pleas, Family Relations, Minors and Estates. Another clerk handles these cases for the Clermont County Municipal Court. Jury – A group of residents of a local jurisdiction (e.g., a county) who participate directly in the justice system as neutral investigators based on the evidence presented to the court. The right to a jury trial is recognized by both the U.S. Constitution and Ohio. Someone „on the witness stand” is a witness in court and testifies. Civil – A private dispute between two or more individuals, companies, corporations or government entities. Civil proceedings may involve contracts, bodily injury, mortgage defaults or other matters. Civil cases aim to resolve a dispute or disagreement, often over money or legal obligations that do not involve public harm or safety. Equivalent to a criminal court in the civil criminal justice system Subpoena – A court order requiring a person to appear in court at a specific date and time to testify, bring documents or other physical things, or both. The clerk of the court issues summonses to appear for civil and criminal proceedings and other hearings.

Failure to comply with a summons may be punishable by contempt of court. Subpoena – A legal document issued by a clerk informing a defendant that proceedings have been commenced against them. A subpoena can be used when filing a criminal complaint naming a person as a defendant. A party who fails to appear in court on a subpoena on a criminal charge may be arrested. Court – A government agency that has the legal authority to hear and decide cases. A court conducts trials, hearings and other proceedings, makes decisions, orders and decisions and, where appropriate, imposes criminal sanctions. No, it must be signed to have a value in Codurt. Verbal agreements „stand up” in court, depending on your condition. Not impossible to prove. Judgment – A final decision of a court at the end of the proceedings.

In civil proceedings, a judgment may require one party to pay money to another party. A judgment may also dismiss a party`s claims if the party has not proved its legal right to recovery. In criminal proceedings, a verdict could be that a person is guilty of a crime and receives a criminal conviction. Complaint – A legal document filed by an applicant with the Registry to initiate civil proceedings. A complaint describes for the court and the parties named as defendants the factual and legal grounds for the action and the relief that the plaintiff seeks from the court. Plaintiff – A person, corporation, or other legal entity that initiates civil proceedings by filing a claim and setting forth its legal rights to recovery against one or more defendants. A certified judgment may also serve a copy of a court judgment bearing the official seal of the clerk. A certified document has more authority than the authentic document and can be considered a public servant when used in other situations.

Replevin — A court order that orders the sheriff to seize a person`s personal property (often a motor vehicle), usually as security in court proceedings or in payment of a court judgment. Journal – Specific part of the registrar`s records for the official record in all cases of final acts of a judge of the court, such as judgments, orders, decisions and judgments.