Do not hesitate to ask one of the lawyers at the firm you deal with regularly if there is anything in this communication that you do not understand. Abbreviation for „same case”. Inserted between two citations, it indicates that the same case is reported in both places. It is also an abbreviation for „Supreme Court” and for „Select Cases”, also for „South Carolina”. In the UK, the position of senior (lowercase) lawyer is used to designate an experienced lawyer (who does not need to be a lawyer) who is not on the way to a partnership. This position is therefore analogous to the American title of counsel and is not directly comparable to the position of Queen`s Counsel/Senior Counsel held by Barristers. In Northern Ireland, the term King`s Counsel (KC) or Queen`s Counsel (QC) has been retained since 1921, as in the rest of the United Kingdom. It is always the government that grants the patent of privilege and the Chief Justice who appoints patent holders to the Inner Bar. [18] Of the approximately 2,300 lawyers registered with the Bar Council of Ireland, approximately 325 are SCs.[22] On September 1, 2020, Cabinet approved the first set of 37 recommendations of the LSRA Advisory Committee. They were appointed senior counsel the next day, including the first 17 lawyers (out of 60 applicants).

[23] At some point in your life, you will need legal services. How do you know who to hire? Where do you go to get quality service? Sound advice and legal help at an affordable price? Westmont Law Offices, S.C. „Senior Counsel” (Chinese: 高级律师[7]) is used in Singapore law. [24] There is no independent bar association in Singapore and no law firm experienced as members of law firms. The title „K.C. ” continued to be used by many senior counsel, both those created before July 1924 and those created subsequently. [13] In 1949, shortly before the Republic of Ireland Act came into force, 1948, which created the Republic of Ireland and severed the definitive link with the British Crown, Frank Aiken asked John A. Costello during Taoiseach questions „whether, in view of the fact that some members of the Inner Bar who have received their credentials as lead counsel continue to call themselves Roy`s Counsel, It will introduce a bill entitled „An Act to declare that senior counsel must be senior counsel”; Costello said he had „no intention of wasting public time and money on the idea.” [19] Until the 1960s, R.G.L.

Leonard (made KC before 1922) is referred to as „Queen`s Counsel” in official Irish legal reports,[20] reflecting Britain`s change from king to queen in 1952. The company is responsible for its debts and obligations, but the shareholders are not – they have „limited liability”. However, there are two exceptions to this general limited liability rule that are specific to service companies. A shareholder of a service company may be held personally liable for his or her own mistakes in the provision of professional services and for the mistakes of other professionals under his or her direct supervision. Just as a junior lawyer is „appointed to the [external] bar”, in some jurisdictions, a senior lawyer is referred to as „admitted to the inner bar”. Senior lawyers may call themselves informally, like their British counterparts. This is the case in Ireland, Australia, Hong Kong and South Africa. At Westmont Law Offices, S.C., we are committed to providing you with high-quality professional services. The recent change in the law and the new Supreme Court decision will not change our commitment to this goal or how we meet your needs.

For us, our high quality of service remains unchanged. In Hong Kong, every senior lawyer must wear the black and silk robes and a wig when appearing in court. [2] In Ireland, senior counsel wears a different silk robe than junior lawyers. The wig is optional in Ireland. The title of Senior Counsel or State Counsel (post-nominal letters: SC) is awarded to a senior lawyer in certain countries that were formerly part of the British Empire. „Senior Counsel” is used in current or former Commonwealth countries or jurisdictions that have chosen to change the title of „Queen`s Counsel” to a name without monarchical connotations, usually referring to the British monarch who is no longer head of state, so a reference to the Queen is no longer appropriate. Countries that have made this change for the latter reason include Mauritius, Zambia, India, Hong Kong, Ireland, South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, Singapore, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. Among the jurisdictions that retained the monarch as head of state, but nevertheless opted for the new title, were some states and territories in Australia, as well as Belize. [1] The Irish Free State was established in December 1922 as a dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations. (27) The 1936 Act abolished the office of the Governor-General and the Executive Powers (Consequential Provisions) Act, 1937 was regarded as a transfer of the Royal Prerogative to the Executive Council (Government). [16] [n 1] Although the 1937 Irish Constitution created the office of President of Ireland, it was still the Taoiseach as head of government who signed priority patents under the Executive Powers Act 1937 (consequential provisions). [17] [18] The title of Senior Counsel was briefly introduced in New Zealand from 2007 to 2009.

It was abolished by successive governments in favour of reinstating the title of Queen`s Counsel on the basis of respect accorded to the appointed Queen`s Council. Those who have been appointed senior advocates have the choice of becoming Queen`s Counsel or remaining Senior Counsel. Lawyers to the Queen of England or other senior advocates from other jurisdictions do not take precedence when generally admitted to Hong Kong. However, a visit by a Queen`s Counsel from another approved jurisdiction for a particular matter is eligible for the use of the title of Senior Counsel for the purposes of this proceeding and for Senior Counsel status. [9] Until recently, shareholders of service companies could be held personally liable for all other shareholders, including those not under their direct supervision.