Apartments that do not meet the requirements for year-round occupancy are marginal dwellings. Private dwellings are divided into ordinary private dwellings and inhabited marginal dwellings. Ordinary private dwellings are divided into three main groups: occupied dwellings (occupied by ordinary residents), dwellings occupied exclusively by foreign residents and/or temporarily present persons, and unoccupied dwellings. Marginal dwellings are considered to be occupied by ordinary residents or occupied exclusively by foreign residents and/or temporary presenters. Border dwellings that were unoccupied on May 10, 2016 are not counted in the housing stock. We are regularly confronted with the question of what a PDH is, how a restriction on the use of a property affects; includes dwellings; Does it capture vacation rentals like AirBNB? The apartment must meet the two necessary conditions to be occupied all year round: The decision is consistent with evolving case law that short-term residential occupation by a number of paying customers from online booking agencies contravenes an obligation not to use it other than as a private residence. It is also a useful analysis to determine whether short-term apartment rentals constitute the exercise of a business. It has been found that use as a vacation rental does not violate the obligation not to operate a business per se. A distinction is made between carrying on a commercial activity in a dwelling and the use of a dwelling for short-term residential purposes, albeit as part of a business. No activity was carried out on the property, which in itself amounted to a business. This decision is in line with the evolution of case law according to which short-term occupation by a number of paying customers purchased through online booking agencies violates the obligation to use it only as a private residence. Censuses of dwellings occupied exclusively by foreign residents and/or temporary persons did not appear in 1971. 1966 and 1961 censuses.

„Not to operate or permit at any time any business or business on the property, nor to use or permit it simultaneously for purposes other than as a private dwelling for the use of a family.” The tenant advertised on Airbnb sites and as „commendable for short-term use.” The use of the words „individual” and „private” seems to limit multiple uses. However, the courts found that a house rented to students did not violate the obligation not to use the property „other than as a single private residence” because the property was used as a permanent residence by four students living as a single social unit. The High Court held that the obligation not to use property other than as a private residence is not the same as the obligation on the landlord to live there personally and not to rent the building. This seems to dispel the common assumption that an agreement prohibiting the outdoor use of a „single private residence” also prohibits the rental of a property. The possible interpretation is quite broad in context. Case law has indicated that (largely) „residential building” can include a self-contained dwelling, but the term must always be considered in context. It was decided that the correct approach to determining whether the supply of serviced housing on a commercial basis was contrary to the agreement to use it „as a private residence” was to ask whether the occupant was temporarily using the dwelling „as a private residence”. It was not enough for T, when T was occupied, to use the apartment as a private residence.

Case law has demonstrated that the use of a short-term residential property by a number of paying guests constitutes a breach of an agreement that requires its use only as a private dwelling or residential property. The division of private dwellings into ordinary private dwellings and seasonal/marginal dwellings is included only in the 1981 census. For more information on marginal housing, see the Census Dictionary: Marginal dwelling occupied by ordinary residents. The court found that the use of a house for dependent persons constituted a breach of an obligation to use the premises as a „private residence”, which might not have been the case if it had been limited to use as a „residential building”. The lesson seems to be to carefully consider the intent of a restriction of use and formulate accordingly. It was also noted that a „single” private dwelling could easily refer to the presence and use of more than one dwelling house in the particular facts. „Private Apartment” means a separate set of living spaces with their own entrance either from outside the building or from a common hall, entrance hall, vestibule or staircase inside the building. The entrance to the apartment must be an entrance that can be used without passing through the living quarters of another person or group of people. A lease in a long-term residential lease was reviewed by the Upper Court: .