The Post-Implementation Review (PRR) process consists of the following steps: (1) The manager who approved the change request (RFC) shall coordinate a detailed investigation with all parties involved and ensure that a detailed analysis of what went wrong and lessons learned is documented for future improvement. (2) If necessary, the CAB then reviews the Post-Implementation Review (PIR) against IT change management documentation and, if necessary, makes adjustments to the change management process based on the findings achieved. (3) The manager may recommend communication with the affected campus community in the event of a major failure of changes. A post-implementation review (PIR) examines the effectiveness measures (MOE) of the Initial Capabilities Document (INN) or the benefits of a business plan. The RSO is a sequence of activities and reviews that, when combined, provide the information necessary to determine the extent to which a significant investment in its intended environment meets the required capabilities outlined in the ICD. It is a process that gathers the information needed to successfully assess the degree to which a skill has been acquired. An IREP answers the following question: „Did the service or agency get what it needed in accordance with the initial capabilities document/business plan and, if not, what should be done? An RSO is required for all incensements of the acquisition program as part of the Review of Full Rate Rulings (FRDR). The information required for a PIR is listed in DoD 5000.02 „Operation of the Defense Acquisition System” – Tables 2-1 and 2-2. [1] A PIR provides the analysis necessary to determine if and to what extent the regulation exists: please click on one of the terms to see its definition or skip the list and go to „Definitions”.
Show Business & Finance definitions only (show all 87 definitions) PIRs legally required by HSE will be published on Stakeholder perspectives can be captured in a variety of ways: written messages, meetings, workshops, letters, emails or web forums, public meetings, working groups, focus groups, social media engagement, and quantitative and qualitative research. The choice of methodologies depends on the type of policy area, the evidence required and the preferences of stakeholders. An IREP is a procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of a regulation after it has been implemented and brought into force for a certain period of time. This requirement is usually included in legislation and focuses on the extent to which the Regulations have achieved their intended effects. [1] ITIL® is a registered trademark of the Cabinet Office in the UK and other countries. — IT Infrastructure Library® is a registered trademark of the Cabinet Office in the UK and other countries. Source (partially): ITIL Glossaries / Acronyms Crown © copyright. All rights reserved. The material is reproduced by HMSO with permission from Cabinet Office under authority delegated by the Comptroller. — The full ITIL glossary, compiled by APMG in collaboration with Cabinet Office and TSO, can be downloaded from the Internet. [2] CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model Integrated) is a registered trademark of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
This ITIL glossary contains definitions of key terms and acronyms for ITIL and ITSM (IT Service Management) in alphabetical order. [1] At the same time as the IREP, a statutory review report will be prepared outlining the decisions to be considered of the results of the review by the review. ITIL Wiki › ITIL Glossary › ITIL Glossary: Terms Beginning with P Complies with the law requiring federal agencies to compare actual program results to set performance targets. The IREP is a process that gathers the information needed to successfully assess the degree to which a skill has been acquired. The creation of the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (SPECT) and the decision of the Stage Decision Authority (MDA) to proceed with Full Production (FRP) meet the requirements of weapon systems. DoD Components plans, performs and documents the required verification for computer systems (IT) and national security systems (NSS) in accordance with Initial Operational Capability (IOC). Functional sponsor approval requires coordination with the component CIO. [1] A draft IRP plan will be submitted to the Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Action Officer in Step B, and a final IREP plan is expected at the Full Review of Decisions (FRDR). A PIP can be considered part of the DOTMLPF-P assessment (doctrine, organization, training, equipment, leadership and education, personnel, facilities and policy) in the Capability-Based General Assessment (CBA). [1] Where appropriate, PIPs should seek stakeholders` views on the effectiveness of the Regulation. This can be done in a variety of ways, ranging from formal processes to more informal engagement.
This is a review, not a consultation, and stakeholder views are important in measuring the effectiveness of the measure. They may be included in the review in the following ways: The Change Request Manager (RFC) is responsible for coordinating a Post-Implementation Audit (PIR) for Change Request (RFC) with the following conditions: caused an unknown/unexpected impact; a change that failed; a change that has not been properly communicated; a change with a broader impact than that indicated in the review process; All findings of Change Requests (RFCs) must be documented as part of the Post-Implementation Review (PIR) process. The sponsor is responsible for IREP planning, data collection, data analysis and outcome evaluation. The Program Manager (PM) is responsible for maintaining an integrated program schedule that includes the RSO on behalf of the proponent. The PM is also responsible for assisting the sponsor in conducting and reporting the IREP. [1] The following are the steps in the OMB Circular A-130 IREP planning process that can be easily adapted to investments in information technology (IT) or other types of programs: .