The Victim/Witness Assistance Program is a program led by the Commanding Officer and supported by the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate. The VWAP program provides guidance for the treatment of victims and witnesses of crimes within the framework of the UCMJ. The program ensures that victims and witnesses receive the information and support they deserve. Call 240-612-5757 to make an appointment with our VWAP Coordinator. OPERATIONAL LAW: All members who have received a notice of deployment MUST contact the Legal Department immediately at 240-612-5750 to make an appointment. A lawyer will help you fill out the items on the legal checklist. We strongly recommend that you be proactive when making an appointment. Requirements such as briefings on the laws of armed conflict, power of attorney documents and wills are extremely important. CIVIL LAW: Questions / Requests from private organizations? Contact the 316th FSS/FSR for assistance. All private organizations (POs) must go through the 316th FSS/FSR to get approval for donation requests. Send your request to the organization box: 316.FSS. Fsr. The Legal Department provides legal advice to the Wing Commander as well as to subordinate units and partner commands in all disciplinary matters within the global mission. We enable commanders to maintain good order and discipline through the efficient and fair administration of military justice, ranging from administrative measures to general courts martial. Department heads, first shirts and commanders can call the Legal Department for Military Judicial Advice at 240-612-5750/5996. The Area Defense Attorney provides independent legal representation to Air Force personnel. Airmen who are facing adverse administrative acts or who are suspected of having committed a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice may receive confidential legal advice and representation outside the AFDW chain of command. Air Force members can make an appointment by calling 240-857-6624. Use the form below to contact the webmaster. Please note that the webmaster is only able to provide technical support in connection with this website and does not provide legal assistance or help in finding people.

Please direct any questions regarding public affairs or media to Air Force Public Affairs. Due to a recent system change, DOD identification numbers are now required for all legal aid appointments. For current military personnel, this number is listed on your CAC. If dependents wish to use legal services, they will need their sponsor`s DOD number for assistance. Retirees can retrieve their DOD ID number at Spouses of retirees who wish to receive legal services must have their sponsor`s DOD identification number to be assisted. Commissioned Aviator with Credits for Paralegal Mission: Provide mission-oriented, comprehensive and timely legal services that enable the global projection of the Air Force and Diplomacy from the U.S. Airfield LEGAL ASSISTANCE: To find your nearest law firm and get information on the types of services offered, visit the Armed Forces Legal Assistance Locator page in mil/content/locator.php. For a list of frequently asked questions about legal counsel, see Faq on Legal Assistance for the Armed Forces in (click the FAQ button on the right). AIR FORCE CLAIMS SERVICE CENTER: For more information on filing a claim, see The Judge Advocate provides individuals and organizations with timely and targeted legal services in the areas of military justice, adverse administrative actions and ethics, civil, operational, environmental, labour and contract law.

The judge-lawyer provides preventive law and legal assistance. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute an endorsement by the US Air Force or the information, products or services contained therein. The United States The Air Force does not exercise editorial control over the information you find there. All information contained on the Website is for educational and informational purposes. Nothing on the Site replaces the competent legal advice of a licensed lawyer. Seek legal advice before relying on the information contained on this website. The Special Counsel for Victims (SVC) represents victims in a confidential lawyer-client relationship throughout the investigation and prosecution process. The CVS chain of command passes through the Air Force Legal Operations Agency, which allows CVS to provide independent legal representation and advocate on behalf of victims of sexual assault without risking being influenced by the victim`s or perpetrator`s chain of command. Victims of sexual assault can apply for a CVS at any time in the process, either directly or through SARC, FAP, AFOSI or the legal department. For a consultation, call 240-612-4672. The Legal Office provides free legal assistance in personal civil matters to eligible beneficiaries, including active or retired military personnel and their dependants. Examples of personal civil law issues include adoption, long-term care, financial liability, family relations, the Military Civil Assistance Act, landlord-tenant and accident matters.

The highest priority is given to Air Force personnel who require mission-related mobilization or legal assistance. Legal advisors can provide legal advice, conduct a general document review, draft and send correspondence on behalf of clients, and assist clients in creating forms. However, lawyers cannot represent clients in judicial or administrative proceedings or draft or file legal documents with a court. Active service staff + relatives: Legal assistance is provided on the basis of telephone advice. These days and times are every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00. Those who wish to meet with a lawyer by appointment should call the front desk at 240-612-5750. Please call the front desk at 240-612-5750 to arrange your appointment. Appointments are set on Wednesday mornings between 09:00 and 12:00. Please visit before your appointment and complete the online legal worksheet. After completing your worksheet, please provide the ticket number to the legal department. You will need the corresponding ticket number to make an appointment.

Furnish? We ensure that high priority is given to members preparing for deployment and will try to accommodate you outside of these hours. Please make every effort to call and make an appointment as soon as possible after receiving the deployment notification. Retirees + Dependents: Please call the front desk at 240-612-5750 to make an appointment.