The individuals who make up this in-house legal team must possess specific business and legal skills and competencies, as well as knowledge and expertise, all of which are exercised in a professional, conscientious and ethical manner. These individuals must act as trusted business and legal advisors to their respective organizations. In addition to general traits such as ambition, commitment, and a disciplined approach, a legal advisor must also possess special qualities and skills, including: How to Become a Lawyer in South Africa also requires you to pass a bar admission examination. You must pass this exam before you can legally practice on your own. The exam tests your knowledge of legal practice and procedures, wills and estates, legal accounting and practice, contracts and codes of conduct. National Senior Certificate meets the requirements of a curriculum Compulsory subjects: English and any other official languageRecommended subjects: languages, accounting, historyEducationLaw: all universities, UK, US, Wits, UZ, UJ, UL UFH, UCT, UWC, UP, UKZN, NMMU, UL, NWU, UV, UFS, UNISA. Conditions for enrolment as a lawyer:– LLB degree from a South African university– Legal education course approved by the Law Society– Two years of legal internship in a South African law firm or community service in an accredited legal clinic or accredited office of the Legal Aid Board– Completion of the lawyers` admission examination on legal practice and procedures, practical accounting for lawyers and the duties of a lawyer designated by a provincial law societyTo practise law, all candidates must register with a law society after passing all required examinations. You can also meet the legal requirements to become a lawyer in South Africa by first obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce with Law (BCom) and then completing a two-year LLB programme. This method requires five years of schooling instead of four, but achieves the same result. As a legal advisor, you may work for large corporations or organizations, central, provincial or local governments, law schools, legal aid societies, be self-employed or work in private practice. In other words, legal counsel are in-house counsel as opposed to lawyers and lawyers who provide their services to the general public, not to an employer. All organizations, including public and private organizations, should have a qualified and effective in-house legal team that provides legal advice, advice and advice to the organization and its staff. Lawyers in South Africa get a taste of actual legal practice before getting the green light for their own practice.

South African law requires prospective lawyers to work in a private law firm or prosecutor, or to volunteer with a legal aid organisation before being admitted to the bar. You will need to do this for one to five years, depending on where you attended school and your previous experience. Although all professionals who make up an in-house legal team have certain legal degrees and qualifications, in the past, and certainly until the official recognition of ACSAC by SAQA in South Africa, there were no professional qualification criteria for in-house counsel and support staff that set the standard and benchmark for the in-house profession. CCASA, in close collaboration with: The Casasa Collection of Designations for Corporate Counsel and Support Staff, who make up and form the in-house legal team, aims to strengthen the role of Corporate Counsel as a profession in South Africa. Ultimately, this will not only lend credibility to the in-house counsel profession, but will also allow accredited corporate counsel and corporate legal support staff: in order to act as an ethical and competent member of the in-house legal team, these individuals must be able to meet the criteria set out in the respective competency frameworks for CASC in-house counsel. An exception to this requirement is for individuals who have at least five years of relevant legal experience. This includes experience as a prosecutor or regional judge. Most legal advisors are former lawyers or lawyers who wish to enter a corporate environment. Therefore, the requirements and training of legal advisors are the same as those of lawyers and lawyers. Being a lawyer in Cape Town could mean an exciting career.

But before you pack your bags, you have to jump through tires. South African law requires a lawyer to obtain a law degree, work in a legal framework for several years and pass an admission test. You must also be at least 21 years old and a citizen or legal resident of South Africa. Anyone working in the internal legal environment or corporate legal counsel should be a member of Casasa. These include lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, paralegals, contract managers, compliance officers and corporate secretaries. Legal advisors are lawyers employed by government, large corporations, and other organizations to provide legal advice and services to the organization and its employees. In South Africa, a legal advisor with 1-3 years of experience can earn between R350 and 550k, while a qualified lawyer with more than 10 years of experience would earn R1.1M+. For more information on statutory wages, see Robert Walters` Global Wage Survey.

The successful candidate will be responsible for providing legal advice to Parliament and the Parliamentary Service. The bar entrance exam is taken once you have six months of practical experience or participation in practical legal training. has developed a range of competency frameworks and related assessment tools that set the standard for the corporate counsel profession in South Africa. The subjects required to study law in South Africa include those of general application and those that are more specific. The subjects needed to become a lawyer in South Africa include the fundamental principles of South African law, South African private law, constitutional law, criminal law, intellectual property, evidence and African customary law. Some courses are mandatory during law school and others are elective courses that you can choose based on your interests. Reference: NM/4758/2017 Package: R1,096,712.00 Type of position: Conclusion of contract: 14 February 2018 CCASA is recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as the professional body representing the profession of in-house corporate counsel in South Africa under registration number PB 0000102. ACCSA aims to promote in-house in-house legal advice as a profession. CASBA may revoke the designation of an accredited person if that person: This is done in accordance with CACAS` Policy on the Assignment of Professional Designations. Application – Business Legal Support Practitioner Parliament reserves the right not to make an appointment.