Under the text snippet/abstract you will find a number of useful links. The first of these is the Cited By link, which displays other articles that have cited this resource. This is a super useful feature that can help you in many ways. First, it is a good way to follow the more recent research that referenced this article, and second, the fact that other research that has cited this paper gives it greater credibility. Note, however, that there is a delay in the type of publication. Therefore, a paper published in 2017 will not have a large number of results cited. It takes at least 6 months for most articles to be published, so even if an article used the source, the new article has not yet been published. In most cases, your Google search period doesn`t matter at all – some examples include reading historical, fiction, and media events (e.g., the Wikipedia summary of your favorite book). It also involves learning certain skills (how to boil a hard-boiled egg, for example). Although Google Scholar limits each search to a maximum of 1,000 results, it`s still too much to explore and you need an effective way to find relevant articles. We`ve compiled a list of pro tips to help you save time and do more effective research: If you`re feeling adventurous, you can add your site to Search Console to see if there`s a bug that`s preventing Google from understanding your site. You can also send us your most important URLs to tell us to crawl and possibly index them.