You may have heard from someone that exotic animals or so-called „wild animals” are illegal to own as pets, but that`s exactly like saying it`s illegal to hunt animals – that`s not entirely true. We know, of course, that it depends on which animal you`re talking about (and when). Some animals require special permits for hunting, and these rules vary from state to state. The laws for exotic animals are similar in that you may need a license to own them, and the rules vary from state to state. The fact is that no state technically bans all animals that fall under the exotic or even „wild” designation. With the exception of Hawaii, a group of small islands with exceptionally fragile ecosystems, all states allow high numbers of reptiles and birds. But when most people assume that „exotic” pets are illegal, they often think of mammals, and then restrictions start pouring in. – Prohibited animals: bear, wolf, coyote, weasel, badger, hyena In Virginia, it is illegal to possess non-native exotic animals considered predatory or undesirable as pets. According to the state, non-native exotic animals include: bears, wolves, coyotes, weasels, badgers, hyenas, all kinds of non-domesticated cats, alligators and crocodiles. Permits are required for the importation of legal pets listed in Section 4-71-6.5 of the Hawaii Bylaws. These animals are subject to quarantine rules before being legally distributed to their owners. In Oregon, it is illegal to own feral cats, bears other than black bears, dogs that are not native to Oregon, monkeys, alligators, crocodiles or caimans.
You can get a special permit for an assistance monkey. Animals you can have without a license include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders and giraffes. Burmese pythons are illegal in many states due to their size (15-20 feet) but are not listed as illegal here (3.17/4/b/2/AA). In fact, Rhode Island law specifically allows most species of boas and pythons. Kentucky bans exotic animals for two reasons: they are harmful to the environment or inherently dangerous. The following list shows which animals are prohibited in Kentucky and why it is illegal to own them. In some areas, local governments may have additional restrictions. – Prohibited animals: illegal to own wild animals without a license (the law does not list specific animals) Any unauthorized wildlife is off the table in Oklahoma.
Permits are available for $48. If you are found guilty of violating this law, you will be fined at least $100 and your wildlife licence revoked if you have one. – Prohibited animals: coyote, wolf, tiger, lion, non-native bear, monkey Until this year, South Carolina was one of five states in the country with no restrictions on wildlife ownership. On January 1, 2018, a new law made it illegal to own large cats, monkeys or non-native bears. Wolves, coyotes, peccaries (some species related to pigs), bison, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, bears, turkeys and fur-bearing animals are also prohibited. Delaware state law requires permits for most wild mammals and hybrids. Pets that do not require a permit include chinchillas, hedgehogs, ferrets, opossums, rabbits, sugar gliders, etc. Many lizards are allowed, including anoles, water dragons, basilisks, bearded dragons, chameleons, geckos, iguanas and more. Possession of non-native venomous snakes is illegal. Potential owners of „dangerous wildlife” (including bears, big cats and great apes) must obtain a registration certificate for that animal issued by an animal registration authority (Texas Health and Safety Code 822.101).
Many other rules apply. However, there are many animals in Texas that are completely legal, and these include capybaras, lemurs, gins, and small wild felidae. Ostrich possession is legal in Kentucky according to special definitions. Ostriches are the largest and heaviest bird in the world and have the largest eyes of any land animal, twice the size of their brains. You can run up to 40 miles per hour and a kick could be fatal. Ostriches also eat everything in sight, but have a very advanced immune system. A special definition in Kentucky law classifies „ratites” as members of a bird family that do not have a keel and cannot fly. They must be bred for the production of feathers, meat, skins, animal by-products and breeding animals. They should be considered as agricultural products for the purposes of financial transactions. They must be treated like cattle and cannot be hunted.
However, their eggs make quite an omelet. Georgia`s Ministry of Natural Resources describes illegal animals as naturally dangerous. This classification includes kangaroos, primates, non-domesticated dogs, non-domesticated cats, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, piranhas, air-breathing catfish, Gila monsters, cobras and other venomous snakes. If you want to have a capuchin monkey as a pet, a special permit is required. You do not need a permit for sugar gliders or ferrets. Domestic rabbits and small rodents are also allowed without permission, with the exception of hedgehogs. Are hedgehogs, pythons, chinchillas, turtles, cockatoos, ferrets, skunks, chameleons, capybaras or pigs legal in Washington State? Ohio`s laws have changed since the Zanesville animal slaughter in 2011. More than 50 wild animals have been released from a reserve where authorities have had to euthanize lions, tigers, bears and wolves roaming the streets.
Since then, the Dangerous Wildlife Act has made lions, tigers, bears, elephants, alligators, monkeys and servals illegal and requires a permit. Animals that do not require permits are lemurs, foxes, bobcats, alpacas and llamas. There are many – and utterly ridiculous – bans on exotic mammals as pets in most states. All states prohibit the possession of something, whether it is a restriction on native or exotic species. Still, there are some species that would surprise you that are still legal, even if you think your state bans exotic animals, which is often explained by groups like The Humane Society of the United States or Born Free. What is one of the most interesting types you can own privately in your state? After an unstable man (not Federer, the man mentioned below) released several exotic animals, Ohio went from being an extremely forgiving exotic animal to a much more restrictive state. Federer, a man who owned a bobcat, argued that his bobcatsnake was literally Federer`s house coat against the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division. A loophole currently exempts bobcats from banning other species of felids, and lemurs are still legal in primates. It`s very unusual for a northeastern state, but raccoons and skunks, two important vectors of rabies, are legal if purchased from a licensed breeder and if you get a license for game in captivity. Splashstorm Foxes, ring tails, deer, bats, native opossums, raccoons, skunks, African-clawed frogs, and bobcats are not legal in North Carolina. It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: The Arizona Administrative Code states that it is illegal to own non-domestic dogs and cats, primates (except for non-infant sows free of zoonoses), alligators, crocodiles, poisonous snakes, and many others.
Special permits may be issued to specific individuals or groups to keep these animals if the application falls under the categories of education, public health, commercial photography, wildlife rehabilitation or wildlife management.