H. Once approved by the ministry, the final platform or short platform will be registered with the King County Archives and Elections Division. 2. Interim separation required: An application for a short subdivision will not be approved if the parcel to be divided is jointly owned by a contiguous parcel that has been divided into a short subdivision within the previous five (5) years. These requests are treated as a preliminary platform and not as a short platform. (Ord. 5793 of 25.04.2016) L. Precise location of all existing and proposed permanent control monuments at each corner of the subdivision or short subdivision in accordance with RCW 58.17.240 and at all road junctions and curve control points located in the carriageway; 1. Right-of-way dedications require separate approval: All required or proposed right-of-way allocations must be submitted to the ministry for review and approval before the short platform is submitted. All right-of-way dedications are subject to the approval of the administrator or designate prior to the submission of the short platform. (Ord.

5648, 12-12-2011) G. bearing and distances from the nearest fixed road lines or official monuments that accurately describe the location of the platform or short platform; Lands subdivided in accordance with the requirements of this section may not be subdivided for a period of five (5) years without following subdivision procedures. Another short subdivision of the lot(s) shall comply with the then applicable maximum density requirement measured throughout the platform. (Ord. 5153 of 26.09.2005) F. Exact location, width and name of all streets within and adjacent to the platform or short-circuit board, as well as the exact location and width of all walkways. The name of a street must be in accordance with the city`s procedure for naming streets; Q. Dedication with notarized confirmations from all parties with an interest in ownership as required by RCW 58.17.165 and NBMC 17.04.230 to confirm acceptance of the platform and dedication of roads and other public spaces. Corporate dedications should include recognition of companies, and dedications of individuals should include individual recognition; B. All applications for short-term plating and authorization must be submitted to the hearing reviewer for public hearing and review pursuant to NBMC section 20.01.004. After the public hearing, the hearing examiner determines whether the proposed authorization meets the criteria of NBMC Article 17.12.015.

If it is determined that the proposal serves these purposes, the hearing reviewer may recommend that City Council approve the application. Action 2: The administrator can approve, approve, modify or reject the short platform request. For short distances that are otherwise referred to the hearing examiner, the hearing examiner is used. Any decision or recommendation made under this section shall contain findings of fact and conclusions in support of the decision or recommendation. (Ord. 5519, 12-14-2009) p. The description of the property boundaries, which is provided with a plaque or short plaque, corresponds to the description recorded in the last real estate transfer document that includes the property. If the description is incorrect, a true and accurate description must appear on the plaque or short table with the original description. The original description is called the „original description” and the true and accurate description is called the „surveyor`s corrected description”. The land surveyor`s corrected description must be preceded by the following: „The intent of the original description is to include all assets described in the land surveyor`s corrected description”; H. municipal, municipal, circular or cross-section lines precisely connected to platform lines or short plate distances and bearings; Upon receipt of an application on a short platform, the Department sends a copy to each department or agency.

On an end panel or a short board, the following information should be provided: E. An amendment may be approved to remove the status of non-constructible land in the case of short subdivisions; provided that no public dedication is required and that the initial conditions of the permit do not prohibit the conversion of non-building land into building land. Approval of such a change requires compliance with the original conditions of the permit and the application of new conditions to the property that meet applicable standards, the creation of a new map page prepared by a surveyor to record and pay all fees required for such verification. (Order 1188 § 2 (Part), 2003). One. Flat and short breaks are treated as follows and in accordance with the provisions of RCW 58.17.212. E. A security deposit to cover taxes and planned assessments is required for final plates in accordance with Chapter 58.08 RCW. However, no deposit is required for the deposit of a final short dish. The applicant must also provide a certificate from the King County Finance Office attesting that property taxes on the property in question are not outstanding prior to the issuance of a final permit.

C. Requests for leave on urban roads may only be processed in accordance with this chapter if this road trip is offered on the occasion of the Platform holidays. 5. Referral to Hearing Examiner: If the Administrator determines that residents of the Short Dock Area or City staff have sufficient concerns to warrant a public hearing, the Administrator shall refer the Short Platform to the Hearing Examiner for a public hearing and decision of the Hearing Examiner. The public hearing is announced as required for a complete subdivision. (Order 5519 of 14.12.2009) C. Flat or owner certificates for lands registered under Chapter 65.12 RCW must be provided to the ministry prior to registration, along with a copy of the last real estate transaction for all adjacent unveneered parcels. If the full licences are not made out within 30 days of the date of the original licence or supplementary licence.

K. Blocks of numbered additions to plates bearing the same name may be numbered or inscribed consecutively by the different additions; B. All end plates and posttensioners shall comply with the conditions for provisional approval.