tired, depressed, exhausted, weak, cunning, recruited (literary) and then – for reintegration© (familiar) – extã nuã ©©© – tired – cunning – harassed – © confused (familiar) Lassus, m. Lassus©©. What word is it made of by apocope. ©© Difficult© spelling, do not confuse homophones: it also means who gets so angry© as to love©someone or something. I`m tired of hearing nonsense. I am tired of this impertinence. Are you©tired of doing it well? He is tired of life. I will never tire of hearing it, of seeing it. I`m tired of doing nothing. Tired of: I`m tired of repeating©© the same thing over and over again; He is tired of everything. What is the word „space” if it is a typographic space©? disgusted, jaded, disgusted, bored, angry, irritated, tired Lassant, ANTE, adj. LASSER, v.

act. LASSITUDE, s. fã m. [Lâs, lâce, san, sante, sã©©, citude: 1. lon. To the first two: 2. lon. in the 3rd and 4th, iron. © in the 5th] Tired, tired. There, who is tired©. Tiring, tiring. Inertia, insofar as©the one who is there has suffered© from great fatigue.

„The trail made him very tired©.” Too much restraint carries the spirit. „He`s tired© of travel, of work.” The provinces, tired©of the tyranny of the governors, are©about to rise up. „I`m here: she whips a lot.” Boring work; Boring task. „Inertia through©violent work. I. Tyres, (synon.) The continuation of the same injury is tired: the pain gets tired. „We are tired of standing: we are tired of working.” To be gone is to be incapable: to be tired; © He has done too much. — figuratively speaking©, a supplicant who wears of his perseverance©©; And he is tired of his imports©. We are tired of stretching, we are tired of continuing. GIR.

Synon. See LASSITUDE below. = getting tired when it means getting© tired; and when he thinks he is doing or boring©, etc. „Tired of repeating and©© tired of repeating©© the same thing.” We are more tired of standing than walking. „He`s tired of hearing the same chestnuts over and over again.” Be tired. See more for a rem. © Bored©©with nouns and verbs: „I am the least of this.” It`s like always asking without ever getting anything. All the more© alarming since I already claim that My©Heart is not nourished in the art of limiting Itself. Crã©billon, Sémiramis. The saying goes: we go far when we are there. Mde.

reduce©© it beyond expenditure© in excess of revenue; And she continues the taphã©́re ~ beautifully. „We go far,” they say, „when we are there; But if your legs are broken, you don`t walk at all. You are a popular monkey, let`s go, a gentle, lazy and lazy man. „It`s letting go. Rem. It is said that he is more likely to walk or be tired than to be tired. The Gods. © I never©tired© of persevering©. Tã©lém.

But tired© of being subjected to the traits of satire, The Hope of Revenge transforms them into criticism. The ab. of the Resnel. Say, didn`t let me do it©, or I didn`t get tired of it, etc. – you, or tired of getting into trouble, ©etc. III. Inertia, fatigue (synon.) Fatigue is sometimes felt without anything being done. It then comes from a disposition of the body and a slowness of blood circulation. (Doctors©call this spontaneous fatigue©.) Fatigue is always the next action.

It surpasses hard work, whether in difficulty or© length. See above, TIRES, TIRES. We are literally talking about pure fatigue and not fatigue. The other, silent with pure fatigue, no longer speaks of me, neither for good nor for evil. Sees. Provenç. tired; ESP. LASO; Ital. Lasso; lat. lassus, which is just a more assimilated form of laxus (see LOOSE). Can you find the secret word? Find a new challenge every day. and invite your friends to compete with you! Fig., Do something tired carefully.

See WAR. *S! Interj. Was said once for Hélas! „THAT`S IT! how sorrowful I have suffered!.