General legal advice, child support, financial advice and employment law appointments typically last 45 to 60 minutes. The consultation is free of charge. However, you are responsible for all of your own expenses, including court costs, obtaining evidence, and preparing for a hearing. Free advice and representation at hearings (coordinated by the Commission des services juridiques) on: In consultation with the South Australian legal aid sector, an action plan is being developed outlining specific activities, projects, initiatives and reforms to achieve the key priorities set out in the strategy. Details of community legal centers in other countries can be found in the National Association of Community Legal Centers Legal representation usually involves being present in court, but can also include services such as preparing documents or legal hearings. Services are often provided on a means-tested basis and guidelines that set priorities for the use of an organization`s resources. Examples of areas where we can offer advice include: Magistrate`s Court Legal Advice Service is a free legal advice service that assists in minor civil disputes. Legal aid may be divided into legal advice and legal representation. Most legal aid institutions also play an active role in legal education and legal reform in the municipality. Whatever your legal problem, we understand that you want to make sure that: Legal information can help you find the best solution to your legal problem.

Visit our self-help legal information page for a list of websites where you can find simple legal information. For professional reasons, legal advisers cannot give a second opinion if the case is already being handled by another lawyer. However, we may be able to give general advice to solve a problem. A free 24-hour service is also available and covers more than 60 common areas of law. The Legal Services Commission has a free legal advice line for all South Australians – telephone 1300 366 424. Our services are staffed by law students in the past year and supervised by qualified lawyers. The Services are confidential and may assist with legal advice, letters, court documents and dispute resolution. The Adelaide office has specialized legal advisors who can advise and assist you on certain matters relating to Centrelink. Family law and child custody advice is available to inmates by telephone and telephone. It is important to consult a lawyer or seek legal aid as soon as possible after being charged with a crime.

General Legal Advice, InDIGO Project, Regional Outreach South Australia`s Legal Assistance Strategy 2022-2025 (PDF, 7.9 MB) outlines the Government`s commitment to helping vulnerable people who help disadvantaged people who cannot afford private legal services and who do not have access to legal solutions and the justice system and to deal effectively with them to resolve their legal problems Tacle. The program aims to help students become better lawyers by involving them in the entire process of advising real clients legally. 24 Legal gives you quick and convenient access to reliable legal information written in simple English and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The free service covers more than 60 common areas of law and is particularly useful for legal issues that arise outside office hours. When you access a 24Legal theme, you will be asked to agree to a disclaimer and then enter your gender and zip code before being guided through common questions and answers. Callers in South Australia can use the Legal Helpline to contact the Adelaide office for the cost of a local call. For clients who are unable to attend an in-person appointment, a telephone consultation appointment can be made and all relevant documents can be emailed or faxed to us. Several organizations provide or organize free legal assistance. If an issue goes beyond counselling and minor help, costs may be incurred, or you may need to meet eligibility criteria (usually a resource test) to avoid or reduce these costs. For people residing in other regional areas, a telephone consultation appointment can be arranged by calling the Legal Helpline on 1300 366 424 and requesting advice by phone.

One of our advisors will then contact you at the agreed time to discuss your problem. Legal advice by telephone is available for prior information, advice and recommendations.