Applicants may continue to benefit from legal aid if they exceed one of the three tables used for legal aid (income, assets, liquidity). They would be eligible for legal aid through a contribution of $100 to $800 (but not more than the cost of legal services provided). However, you must not exceed the following limits: Bring all your documents with you. We will check if you are eligible for legal aid and give a mandate to the lawyer of your choice. Why bring all the necessary documents? This is to determine your right to free or contributory legal aid. Once the decision is made, the legal aid lawyer or established lawyer can take over your case. Canada`s financial assistance to provinces and territories for the provision of civil legal aid comes primarily from the Canada Social Transfer, which is the responsibility of the Department of Finance Canada. If the financial situation of the applicant and his/her family exceeds one of the three free legal aid ceilings (income, assets and liquidity), the applicant may still be entitled to legal aid, provided that he/she contributes to the costs. There is a $50 fee to begin the process. It is deducted from the amount due. As provinces and territories provide legal aid services, they are responsible for ensuring that legal aid is available in both official languages, when required. • A person residing outside Québec, if he proves that he or she is financially entitled to legal aid in Québec and if the legal service requested is covered by law.

To find out if your legal problem is covered by legal aid, call us at 514-864-2111. In addition to the cost of legal aid in the provinces and territories, the Legal Aid Program provides support to the Secretariat for the federal, provincial and territorial Standing Working Group on Legal Aid (PWG). The PWG is comprised of representatives from federal, provincial and territorial governments, as well as representatives from each provincial and territorial legal aid agency, and reports directly to the Deputy Ministers of Justice and Public Safety responsible for justice and public safety. The PWG is a national forum for the exchange of information, research, co-development of policy and discussion on legal aid issues of mutual interest, as well as for the negotiation of the federal contribution to legal aid. More information on available legal aid research reports is available on the Department of Justice`s Reports and Publications website. First, the legal aid service determines which category the applicant belongs to – e.g. single persons, spouses with a child – in order to determine at what stage to be taken into account in determining entitlement to free legal aid. Secondly, the following amounts are added to the heritage plan: The Confederation does not provide legal assistance. If you need assistance, please consult the blue pages of your local telephone directory or the websites of provincial and territorial legal aid services listed below: Table of contribution levels The contribution is based on assumed income in increments ranging from $100 to a maximum of $800. Please note, however, that the contribution cannot exceed the amount corresponding to the cost of legal aid for the services required. Legal aid is intended to enable recipients of legal services to the extent provided for by laws and regulations.

Since legal aid is a cost-sharing program between the federal and provincial and territorial governments, funding for the federal contribution to the delivery of legal aid services is provided directly to provincial and territorial governments. Federal funding supports the capacity of provinces and territories to provide criminal and juvenile justice legal aid, immigration and refugee legal aid, and legal aid in public safety and counter-terrorism matters. Person or non-profit organization residing in Québec or forced to remain in Québec, having a financial right and having a legal necessity covered by law To benefit from free legal aid, the applicant and his/her family members must not exceed one of the following income ranges: The Legal Aid Program is a cost-sharing program that allows provinces and territories to contribute to the the provision of legal aid services to economically disadvantaged persons. This cooperation in the field of legal aid between the Federation and the provinces is based on the shared responsibility of the criminal justice system of the federal government within its constitutional jurisdiction over criminal law and criminal procedure and of the provincial and territorial governments within their constitutional jurisdiction over the administration of justice. including legal aid. The total amount is the assumed income used to determine whether the applicant is entitled to legal aid against payment of a contribution. • A non-profit organization whose members are natural persons who are financially entitled to legal aid and whose legal services are covered by law. The Legal Aid Program promotes fair trials and helps ensure access to justice for economically disadvantaged individuals charged with serious and/or complex crimes and at risk of imprisonment, as well as for minors charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, regardless of where they live in Canada.

The Legal Aid Program also assists Canada in meeting its mutual legal assistance obligations in criminal matters in a cost-effective manner in federal law enforcement, including under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and in public safety and anti-terrorism matters. and its responsibilities for immigration and refugee legal aid and the administration of public defenders in federal prosecutors` offices. Bring all your documents, meet with them to verify your eligibility for legal aid, and briefly explain your legal problem. Do you want a private lawyer? The Legal Aid Program provides funding to the provinces through its contribution agreements for criminal legal aid and to the territories through the Consolidated Access to Court Services Agreements for: Quebec`s Legal Aid Act was passed in 1972. It created the Commission des services juridiques and defined its scope of action, which covers both criminal and civil law. In 1996, the system underwent a complete reform. Financial eligibility limits were raised and new legislation made it possible to qualify for contribution-based legal aid. The law also made changes to coverage. The Quebec system remains a mixed system of mutual legal assistance and legal assistance for staff.

Applications for legal aid are received and processed at local legal aid centres and offices throughout Quebec. People may be eligible for free legal aid or legal aid depending on their financial situation, see the scale on the Keewatin Legal Services Centre P.O. Box 420 Rankin Inlet NU X0C 0G0 Family Line (toll-free) 1-866-606-9400. Make an appointment with one of our lawyers at 514-864-2111 or consult one of our points of service to meet your needs. For certain remote areas, the amounts shown in the table above are increased by 20%. Yes! I would like to receive information from the Community Legal Centre of Montreal| Laval. To determine Nancy`s financial eligibility and contribution, it is necessary to calculate the alleged income. It should be noted that the law allows the deduction of certain amounts, including childcare expenses, when computing income. Nancy, an abused woman and mother of one, is accused of murdering her ex-husband.

Nancy works as a nursing assistant in a hospital with an annual salary of $14,400. It owns no property and has no savings. However, Nancy has to pay for her six-year-old son`s child care; They amount to $1,250 per year. Legal aid may be free of charge or contributory. In the latter case, the amount depends on the amount of family income and the cost of the service. Financial eligibility is determined based on the applicant`s income, family size and type, assets and cash flow. Offices near you, near a subway. Ease of access to justice To better illustrate how this actually works, the Commission des services juridiques presented examples. The following fictional example is from Legal Aid Ongoing Expertise.

Free or low cost. [13] The following tables were used for the calculations. Find out what documents are required to open a file and make them available at the first appointment. Kitikmeot Law Centre P.O. Box 96 Cambridge Bay, Nunavut X0B 0C0 General Line (toll-free) 1-866-240-4006 Lawyers and 200 staff committed to serving you better and better Note: Legal aid for the territories is funded through Consolidated Access to Court Services Agreements.