The Legal Aid Line is the easiest way to apply for legal help from the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati, the Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio, LLC and the Volunteer Lawyers Project. You do not need to go to our offices to seek legal assistance. SEOLS is a non-profit organization that provides civil law services through six regional offices serving 30 counties. In addition to assisting low-income Ohioans with legal matters, our staff plays leadership roles for community groups, boards, and task forces working at the local and state levels to improve the lives of low-income residents. We work hard to maintain the fairness of our justice system. Brief Counselling Clinics: Free walk-in clinics where lawyers are available to answer questions about legal issues. 14 out of 100 people live in poverty in our service area. Every year, more than 70% of people living in poverty face a civil law problem that puts their families at risk and have to navigate complex legal systems without the help of a lawyer. We work with our clients and community partners to find legal solutions to the issues that keep communities in poverty.

Direct service: representation in civil matters. We continue to provide all the legal services we provided prior to the pandemic. To slow the spread of COVID-19, our offices are closed to the public and we receive clients by appointment. Pro se legal clinics and Plan Ahead sessions are now available virtually and by phone. If you are a current customer, please use the contact information provided to you. If you need legal assistance, please click on the following link: Call our hotline – Our hotlines are open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Call (614) 241-2001.

Southeastern Ohio Legal Services® (SEOLS) provides free legal aid to low-income individuals with limited savings. We help with issues related to health services, housing, school, employment, utilities, family law issues, consumer issues, utilities such as SNAP and Medicare, and other non-criminal matters. For many elderly and low-income people living in Columbus and central Ohio, equal justice before the law is not an abstract concept or meaningless phrase, it is a daily struggle to provide for themselves and their families. The Columbus Legal Services Society (LASC) exists to provide free support and advice to those trying to navigate our complex legal system. Our lawyers know that justice can be difficult without proper representation, and LASC`s mission is to improve the lives of low-income residents and seniors in Columbus and Central Ohio by providing quality legal representation that meets the civil law needs of our clients. Our mission is to provide civil legal assistance and advocacy to fight injustice and injustice and help people lift themselves out of poverty. We worked quickly to pursue legal assistance and provide people in crisis – virtually – with information about legal claims. Southeastern Ohio Legal Services` mission is to provide civil legal assistance and advocacy to fight injustice and injustice and help people lift themselves out of poverty.

If you have a communication restriction: Contact Legal Aid through the Ohio Relay Service. Dial 711 from any phone in Ohio. You can find your action agency on: Here you will find more information, recommendations on the rent assistance program or apply for legal aid through the Legal Aid Line. LAWO provides legal assistance in civil (non-criminal) cases that protect the rights of individuals and promote systemic change in the areas of civil rights and poverty law. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the online application. After submitting the online application, you can schedule a time when you will receive a reminder from legal aid to complete the admission process. If you don`t make an appointment, you`ll receive a call from Legal Aid within 2 business days. SEOLS Resource Center: An online toolkit that provides DIY guides, letter templates, and other forms of support to help people deal with legal issues. This includes information on how to prepare for court, what to do when dealing with government agencies, and easy-to-fill legal forms. As COVID-19 put many people out of work, facing an increased risk of abuse, homeschooling and losing their homes, LAWO advocates have strengthened with ongoing advocacy, virtual clinics and information sessions.

Click here for directions to our Cincinnati office. Click here for Google Maps. Click here for directions to our Hamilton office. Click here for Google Maps. Prevent homelessness and protect tenants from unhealthy living conditions. Protect veterans and the independence and empowerment of seniors. Ensure access to health care and education. Promote a level playing field in financial transactions. Raise the voices of people who are often not heard and left behind.

1530 West River Road North, Suite 301 Elyria, OH 44035 Corporate Affairs: 440-324-1121 Fax: 440-324-1179 Important message about our services during COVID-19 121 Walnut Street East Jefferson, OH 44047 Corporate Affairs: 440-576-8120 Fax: 440-576-3021 Not sure if we can help you? Learn more about how to apply or find your local office to find out how we can help. The law is a powerful tool to ensure access to opportunities that many of us take for granted. LAWO was founded to correct injustices that disproportionately affect communities of color and people living in poverty. For more than 20 years, LAWO has been delivering justice for people who have nowhere else to go. References in the right place: Contact information for a partner organization offering specialized services. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Thank you for making the Centre for Equal Justice possible! In this time of great economic and health uncertainty, LAWO protects families trying to stay safe and housed. By protecting tenants` rights, we can all help create a stronger community. Personal help is also available through our short-term counseling clinics in the neighborhood! Visit for clinic locations and upcoming times.

Select an impact area above to learn more. Support justice here. 1223 West Sixth Street Cleveland, OH 44113 Corporate Affairs: 888-817-3777 Fax: 216-586-3220 To be eligible for free services with the Legal Aid Society of Columbus, you must respect income and resource limits. LASC`s admissions staff will answer any questions you may have about your eligibility and help you find a lawyer in our office who can help you resolve your issue. Although the Columbus Legal Aid Society offers free services, you may have to pay some legal fees. If you have a problem that is not discussed on our website, do not hesitate to call our office; We can provide a service that can help you, or we can refer you to a program, agency or private lawyer who can help you. This location may require you to park in a car park, which incurs an additional charge. Click here to learn more about parking.

Funds are available to help tenants pay the rent they owe to their landlords, ensuring they are in good health. This idea of paying to stay is essential to ensure housing stability, limit the spread of COVID for tenants who may struggle to find new available housing, and ensure landlords receive the rent they are owed. Community action organizations in each county have access to federal funds that tenants can use to pay for rent and other housing costs so they can stay in their homes. Opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00 Monday – Friday Personal admission: 9:00 – 17:00 Monday – Friday Telephone reception: 888-817-3777 Online check-in: Open 24/7. Cincinnati location: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SEOLS also supports partner organizations and low-income groups in finding solutions to community problems. Candidates seeking help can visit the Cleveland office on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

or the Elyria and Jefferson offices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Walk-in applicants are offered several options to complete a registration to ensure access to services.