Good to know: Community Legal Services is one of the oldest and most trusted legal assistance providers in the Daytona Beach area. They serve 12 counties in central Florida in civil matters, including consumer protection, education law, domestic violence, senior advocacy, family law, housing law, public benefits, tax litigation, and veterans` assistance. If you`re not sure which legal aid company to contact first, Community Legal Services is a great choice. Find out if you qualify under their income and residency policies. Florida Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal clinic where qualified users ask their civil law questions. Volunteer lawyers register on the website, select questions to answer, and provide legal information and advice. Users receive an email when they answer their questions. Fortunately, there are many legal aid organizations in Daytona Beach and throughout Florida that help people like you and offer free representation to low-income or otherwise vulnerable people. I recommend contacting Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida because of their years of expertise and wide range of practice areas, but FindLaw has created this guide for leading legal aid firms near Daytona Beach to help you find exactly the lawyer you`re looking for.
Good to know: The immigration clinic is run by law students, but supervised by lawyers and licensed professors. They can help you with most standard immigration matters, and since they are closely monitored by fantastic legal minds, you know their work will be of high quality. Good to know: Since the government is required to provide legal advice to low-income individuals accused of a crime, it is very rare for a private organization to deal with such matters. The Volusia County Public Defender represents impoverished defendants whenever their freedom is state-owned. In your indictment, ask the judge to refer you to the public defender`s office to see if you are eligible for their services. If you have a civil law problem but can`t afford to hire a private lawyer, you can still access the legal system through your local legal advice and legal aid organization, which provides free or low-cost legal services to low-income people. Information on many of these local services can be found online at the websites listed below. The law is complicated, period. Having a lawyer is such an advantage that the Supreme Court has ruled that the state must provide legal representation to criminal defendants if they cannot afford their own lawyer. So how can the judge expect you to stand up to the Lord? Smooth with the chic Italian suit across the aisle? Good to know: The Bar Association regulates the conduct of lawyers in Volusia County. They also promote the profession by maintaining a directory of all lawyers in the area, categorized for ease of navigation.
If you are not eligible to practice legal aid, contact the Bar Association to recommend low-cost legal representation. Good to know: The Florida Justice Institute is based in Miami, but specializes in a few specific legal issues, particularly prisoners` rights and discrimination. If you need help in these areas, it may be helpful to turn to the Judicial Institute for expertise, rather than Community Legal Services in general. Good to know: Americans for Immigrant Justice can help you with all immigration matters such as asylum, residency, and citizenship. They have special programs for detention, deportation, domestic violence and human trafficking. Good to know: The Domestic Abuse Council is committed to helping abused women escape the cycle of domestic violence. They provide temporary emergency shelter for women and children, including food and hygiene items, as well as transitional shelters to enable women to support themselves. They also offer free court representation to guide you through the injunction or injunction process.
If you are in an abusive relationship, call their hotline at 1-800-500-1119 immediately for immediate help. Florida Online Eviction Tool and Emergency Assistance for Tenants and Landlords Florida A&M Sol (407) 254-4007201 Beggs AveOrlando, FL 32801 Social Security Family, Divorce, Tenant Owner and Disability.