Terrible service. Application for income protection submitted at the end of April 2021. Deferred period of 4 weeks – fair enough. 8 months later. Still nothing. I have provided all the requested information, medical records, etc., but every time I write an email, I make myself with constant apologies (since you can`t talk to anyone on the phone). After paying £40+ a month for this „insurance” for years, I feel completely robbed. I will cancel all of our family policies and would not recommend it to anyone. The fridge part of our fridge/freezer did not work on Christmas Eve. We had to throw away all the contents because he had started to warm things up. The fridge-freezer was less than two years old and under warranty, but we still had to wait two weeks for an engineer to show up. When he did, he said dysfunction was quite rare.

Despite an absolutely miserable Christmas, I consoled myself by telling myself that we could at least make claims with L&G as part of our home insurance. This is not the case! In the true tradition of insurance companies punishing you for telling the truth and doing everything in their power not to pay anything, L&G confirmed today that ruined food is not covered by our home insurance because it is in the fridge. However, if I told them it was in the freezer, it would. When will I learn! We have had this content policy at L&G for over 14 years and have never made a claim. In this case I asked for £380 – not really much overall. However, as with all insurers on the planet, L&G is simply looking for ways to use the fine print against you to avoid a payment. When they`re like that with something relatively small, I shudder at the thought of what they would look like if it were a bigger claim. I will immediately look for a new home insurer because L&G is clearly dishonest and has absolutely no value on customer loyalty. Learn more about how to buy pet insurance. You will be asked to provide your insurance number as well as details of the circumstances of the damage such as date and time, photos or other persons involved.

Under data protection law, data subject access requests may be submitted orally or in writing (whether in an email, social media post or delivered email). Legal and General identifies your account with your insurance number. You will always be asked to indicate this when you file a claim, cancel or amend your policy, or for any other matter. Hi Samantha, I am very sorry to hear about the delay with your claim. We may acknowledge receipt of your complaint. We are very sorry to hear of your dissatisfaction and can confirm that we will conduct a thorough investigation into your concerns. We will endeavour to investigate your complaint fully and as soon as possible. For privacy reasons, our email has been sent to you securely and requires you to enter a passphrase of your choice so that you can access the information. This is a business requirement to protect our customers` data when sending emails. We apologize if our process has caused you any inconvenience.

Thank you, Louise. Claims can be made by filling out the claim form, calling the assigned phone number or sending an email. Hi Monica. I am very sorry to see the situation you faced when you made a claim with us. If you would like to provide us with the details of the Customers.Feedback@landg.com policy, I would like to discuss this with our claims team and ask them to provide you with an update on the process. As this is a public platform, we recommend that you remove all identification details such as claim numbers for security reasons. Sincerely, Andrew. Horrible experience. Don`t buy pet insurance from them. Last month I tried to get the money they owed me and was told I was paid the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 15th, 17th, 21st and 23rd. It`s a different day every time I`ve called.

I did not receive the money due and the removal of cancer from my dogs had to be postponed until the 22nd and now January 4th can be cancelled again because they refuse to pay me 500 they owe. Every time I ring, it`s the same script with variations. I was paid on different days (I didn`t), they will contact Finance via email to sort it out as they can`t contact the finance team over the phone?!? Someone will call me back (they don`t) and the next day I call, I get the same race. What`s even worse is that I emailed the people who were replying to the messages here and I received an encrypted reply that I can`t read because I can`t reset my email due to an error on their side who contacted a lawyer and a financial mediator about it today. My poor dog is seriously ill and they won`t pay me what I`m owed. Below you will find all the information you need to register, contact, claim or cancel under Legal and General. Claims can be made online by phone or via the Legal and General Claim Form. I am very sorry to see the delays you are experiencing in submitting an application at such a sensitive time, Mr Herbert. I would like to have the opportunity to ensure that this is followed up for you with our claims team and that they provide you with an update as soon as possible. I have taken note of the claims reference you provided, but if you are kind enough to email me the policy details, Customers.Feedback@landg.com I can arrange this for you. As this is a public platform, we recommend that you delete all personal data such as complaint reference numbers.

Sincerely, Andrew. Contacted twice about the transfer of my pension, she had to call the third attempt. I had spoken to someone who told me they would send me a letter to confirm the transfer process. and I received a form. I had already sent the transfer forms for my business, which is the public sector, so refuse to fill out another sentence. I contacted them about it. I made my first request in July, which has still not been met. Their processes are a hoax compared to Now:Pensions.

I sent the same transfer request to Now:pensions on the same day, which was processed within 3-4 days and received confirmation that this had happened. I am still waiting for my pension to be paid by the statutory and general. Your policy number will be listed at the top of your legal and general policy plan. Your policy plan is usually sent by mail, email, or through your customer portal. My legal and general policy was taken over by a company called fearmead insurance. I called on Sunday, January 2nd to say downstairs from the ceiling of my kitchen and apologized for being closed until Wednesday. 5 days later and still no one comes out. I have dangerous concrete ready to collapse on someone, but they still pull their heels and say I`m only insured for emergencies and not for water damage. I explained that it`s an emergency and I`m not a plumber, so I don`t know if there`s a leak or where and can they send someone to follow it. Says no, it`s likely if you overflowed your bathroom, so not covered. I would advise everyone to avoid this company like the plague.

I am disabled, no access to cooking facilities, washing machine, etc. for 5 days. People who answer the phone and end up saying I`m not trained, so they don`t know if you`re covered. I spoke to different departments for 5 days and no one but Jordan seems to know what to do and just pass it on.