The preparation of personal and business documents involves the preparation of all the documents you may need for your personal and business transactions. Of course, this costs more than just a legal opinion, because the lawyer prepares a written document. The rate of preparation of a document varies depending on (a) the complexity of the document; and (b) counsel preparing the document. As with legal fees, the cost of the psychological assessment varies depending on the experience. It usually consists of two parts, the costs of the report and the appearance of the psychologist as a witness in the nullity proceedings. The written psychological assessment report itself could be as low as 25,000 pesos to 40,000 pesos. The appearance fee depends on where the psychologist or psychiatrist is based versus where or where the case is filed. This could be between 2,000 pesos and 10,000 pesos per hearing. „Paragraph 4 Secretaries of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.-……… (a) for the filing of an application, proceeding, appeal by communication or minutes, if necessary, for the appearance of the parties, the registration of court orders, the presentation and filing of all applications, the registration of the case in all appropriate files and their indexing, the registration, registration and confirmation of the judgment and the dismissal of the files to the lower court, the imposition of their costs, the taking of all necessary oaths or assurances in the application or proceeding, the registration of the notice of the court and the issuance of all necessary procedures in the claim or proceeding not otherwise provided for herein, any special action or proceeding, five hundred (P500.00) pesos;……… (b) for the solemnization of marriage, including the issue of a marriage certificate, three hundred pesos (P300.00)………

(c) four (P4.00) pesos for the production of copies of the record or copies of trials, judgments or entries of which each person is entitled to request and receive a copy for each page;……… (d) For each certificate not in progress, thirty pesos (P30.00)……… e) For each search for something more than one year and reading the same thing, fifteen (P15.00) pesos;……… (f) pay a commission on all sums received under these rules or orders of the court and provide for the same, two and a half (2.5%) per cent on all amounts not exceeding four thousand (4,000.00) pesos, and one and a half (1.5 per cent) on all sums exceeding four thousand (4,000.00) pesos, and one (1%) percent on all sums over forty thousand (40,000 pesos, 00) pesos. (4a)………. Paragraph 5. Costs to be paid by the party who advances. – The fees of the registrar of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court shall be paid to him at the time of registration of the application or proceedings before the court by the party who registers them by appeal or otherwise, and the registrar shall in any case issue a receipt and record the amount received in his book. Indication of the date of receipt, the person from whom the person received, the name of the share received and the amount received. If the fees are not paid, the court may refuse to continue the action until payment has been made and dismiss the appeal, application or proceeding. (3a)……….

§ 6 Trainee lawyers` fees.-……… a)………. For the submission of the application for admission to the bar, whether or not they are admitted to the examination, one thousand seven hundred and fifty pesos (1,750.00 pesos) for new candidates and repeaters, plus the additional amount of two hundred pesos (200.00 pesos) multiplied by the number of cases in which the applicant failed the bar examinations;……… b)…. For admission to the bar, including taking the oath, signing the list of lawyers, issuing a diploma of admission to the Philippine bar, one thousand seven hundred and fifty (P1,750.00) pesos;……… c)………. Other cash charges.- For the issuance of:1…. Certificate of Admission to the Philippine Bar Association P50.002…. Certificate of discharge (local) 50.003…. Certificate of discharge (foreign) 100.004….

Proof of membership of the bar 50.005…. Certificate of marks in bar exams 50.006…. Other certification of files at the Bar Association, see page 15.007…. A duplicate of the Philippine Bar Admission Diploma 500.00…………For services related to the return of examination papers to candidates, an additional fee of thirty (P30.00) pesos will be charged. 6(a)………. § 7 Registrars of regional courts of first instance.-……… (a) For the filing of a permissive claim or counterclaim or a pecuniary claim against an estate that is not based on a judgment, or for the filing of an authorization of a third party, a third party, etc. Complaint or call to intervene and for all office services in the same, if the total amount claimed, excluding interest, or the declared value of the intangible object in a dispute is:1…….Less than P100,000.00 P 500,002…….P100,000.00 or more, but less than P150,000.00. 800,003…….P150,000.00 or more but less than P200,000.00 1,000,004…….P200,000.00 or more but less than P250,000.00 1,500,005…….P250,000.00 or more but less than P300,000.00 1,750,006…….P300,000.00 or more but less than P350,000.00 2,000,007…….P350,000.00 or more, but not more than P400,000.00 2,250,008……For each P1,000.00 exceeding P400, 000.00 .. 10.00………