Mark Radcliffe`s practice is split equally between corporate securities (particularly venture capital transactions) and licensing and intellectual property strategy. He works with technology companies and companies that use technology around the world. Currently, he focuses in particular on the use of blockchain technology and the use of tokens for capital formation and the implementation of new business models. Mark has worked in Silicon Valley for over 30 years and has been involved in over 1,000 venture capital transactions. He has extensive experience in applying the law to issues raised by new technologies such as open source software, blockchain, IoT and domain names. In 1994, he supported Network Solutions, Inc. in the development of the first domain dispute resolution system, which still forms the basis of the system used today. Its clients range from Fortune 500 companies such as Oracle Corporation and Sony Corporation to unknown start-ups. He and his team are currently working with more than 50 startups.

He has worked in a variety of industries, including software (especially open source software), blockchain, IoT, semiconductors, consumer electronics, content licensing (from music to characters), and medical devices. Trade secrets: Determine if there is anything in the project that the company does not want to make available to the public. If so, you can open the rest of your open source project after extracting the material you want to keep private. First of all, because this software is developed by a community of users, not all of whom develop code full-time, there may be reliability, functionality, and security issues with OSS. There are many types of open source software licenses, and they are classified according to the „degree of freedom to modify and publish the program” (also known as the „copyleft” effect). Currently, common open source software licensing agreements can be roughly classified as follows due to their copyleft effect: As a contemporary of Karl Marx, Proudhon focused on physical property. However, this is consistent with the libertarian philosophy of free software, which encouraged the free distribution of software for the purpose of learning and developing the computer field. The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) is a copyleft license with roots dating back to the Mozilla Public License (MPL).

The CDDL requires that the source code of changes to the CDDL code be propagated according to its terms. CDDL allows you to redistribute binaries under different conditions as long as the source code is distributed under CDDL. 4. Identification of OSS and its use – The policy should require the identification of all open source software used, modified, contributed or distributed by your organization, as well as the appropriate license governing the use of this OSS component. It should also be necessary to specify how FOSS is used. The legal risks associated with FOSS vary greatly depending on how an organization uses OSS (e.g. internal use, SaaS deployments, external distribution, and whether the OSS is standalone, linked to proprietary software, or compiled with proprietary software) and the respective licenses. Any changes to the use case should trigger a new revision. Often, companies don`t realize the impact of restrictive free software until shareholders want to leave the company in the form of a stock sale. Buyers will typically ask their legal advisors to conduct a legal due diligence review, which can lead to a review of software licenses, especially in the case of acquiring software or an IT company. Companies need to have a licensing and compliance strategy that fits into both the [permissive” and copyleft categories.

This starts with registering the license terms that apply to the open source software you are using, including subcomponents and dependencies. In practice, some companies introduce self-verification before using open source software and require their downstream suppliers to provide „in-product open source code” when purchasing software to verify that each element of the supply chain has met its open source obligations. However, self-auditing the company can incur some costs in terms of time and money. In addition, there are also companies that purchase open source code from companies that meet a certain third-party standard (such as OpenChain[8]) to ensure that the code used meets strict legal compliance procedures. Open source software is becoming increasingly important in the technology industry. Using open source software can bring significant benefits. However, it is important to understand that there are risks associated with using FOSS and, in some circumstances, the risks may outweigh the benefits of using OSS. While this benefit-risk analysis should always be done in partnership with legal counsel, your understanding of all the issues at stake is critical to ensuring that future software design decisions do not inadvertently increase risk.

The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals (CAFC) has issued its second decision in the ongoing Oracle v. Google case, ruling that Google`s unauthorized use of 37 packages of Oracle`s Java application programming interface (API) in its Android operating system infringed Oracle`s copyright. The CAFC overturned the District Court`s initial decision to determine that the APIs were protected by copyright and remitted the case to the District Court for a decision on the fair dealing defense. Again, the District Court ruled against Oracle on the basis that Google`s use of the APIs constituted fair use. Oracle appealed. The CAFC again overturned the District Court`s decision, finding that Google`s use of the APIs was not legally fair use. The Supreme Court upheld the certiorari. This case will be very important in determining the scope of copyright protection for software.