3.1. Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011: Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011, prescribed specifications for scales and measuring instruments covering about 40 types of scales and measuring instruments such as electronic scales, weighbridges, petrol pumps, water meters, blood pressure monitors, clinical thermometers, etc. These weighing and measuring devices are used by industries, traders, hospitals, and various governmental and non-governmental organizations to weigh and measure, and the final results of weighing and measuring directly benefit ordinary people. These scales and gauges are regularly inspected by state government officials against standard dimensions and weights and the procedure prescribed by the rules. In order to create a coherent system and uniform standards of the Department of Legal Metrology, the first law, Standards of W&M Act 1956, was enacted on the basis of the metric system and the international system of units recognized by the OIML – International Organization of Legal Metrology. It consists of seven basic units, two additional units and approximately 50 designed units derived from six primary units introduced by the 1956 Act. The OPML, which is responsible for drafting international laws on legal metrology, has prepared a draft law that will be promulgated by member countries adopting metric conventions. India is one of the members of OIML – International Organization of Legal Metrology. 1. i) Legal metrology is the application of legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments.
Precision and accuracy in measurement play a very important role in everyday life. Transparent and effective legal metrology creates confidence in trade, industry and consumers and creates a harmonious environment for doing business by (i) contributing to the country`s economy by increasing incomes in various sectors. — play an important role in reducing revenue losses in the coal, mining, industrial, oil and railway sectors. and (iii) reducing losses and waste in the infrastructure sector. (iii) Reference standards are used for the verification of weights and measures for secondary standards that are part of state government laboratories. (vi) Retail selling price in the form of the maximum retail price (MRP) Rs.. Including all taxes; 8. The previous instructions for the drafting and issuance of roadworthiness certificates should be followed with the utmost sincerity. In each individual verification certificate, all columns must be filled in correctly, listing all the details of the items such as make, model, capacity, class, and number.
3.2 Legal Metrology Rules (Packaged Products), 2011: 4. In order to verify the weights and measures used in the markets, each inspector conducts inspections of these establishments with weights at least twice a week to verify that the weights used are correct in relation to the test weights of the zones and that weights that do not comply with the standards should be confiscated. Inspectors should seek the assistance of the manual assistant in this regard. This became necessary because the weight check time was extended to two years and it is possible that the weights have lost their accuracy due to heavy use. 3.8 State governments have also established their national legal metrology (enforcement) rules for the implementation of the 2009 Act. 5. In zonal laboratories, manual assistants accept weights, measures, scales and gauges for inspection by repairers or users, and the recording of these items in pass records is their responsibility. All the „entrances and exits” of these objects are monitored by him. While accepting the items, he will inspect and inform the inspector that non-standard items are presented for inspection and have these items seized immediately. 9.
Where repairers test/stamp electronic scales, repairers should be required to provide in their accounts a certificate attesting that the machinery has been calibrated and tested by them with its test weights and that it complies with the standards. 10. Punctuality must be respected and, in the event of outgoing travel during office hours, each employee in the zone must record his movements in the movement log for immediate guidance. 2. In order to minimize and limit the activities of unscrupulous repairers in the field of checking weights and measures, it is ordered that the workshop and its authorized worker receive identity cards with their name and certified signatures (as attached to Performa) and that each accounting/memo form used by them is registered in the area as well as in the factory records and the list of such repairers. in the seat. The zone representative of the zone concerned shall certify the signatures of the workshop or its authorized workers on the title page of the accounting note, indicating the book number and the date of the signing certificate. The records of all these notes must be checked by the inspector, along with the monthly reports submitted by the workshops. No other certification is issued to workshops that have not submitted the monthly returns or whose entries do not correspond to the confirmed accounting entries. To keep up with the rapid progress in science and technology around the world, GFCM has developed a practical system of units called SI units (The International System of Units) to facilitate the work. 3.3. Legal Measurement Rules (Design Approval), 2011: Manufacturers/importers of weighing and measuring instruments required by the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and the rules published therein must obtain approval from the Government of India prior to manufacture or import.
Only an appointed director of the company is liable for violations committed by the company in accordance with the Law on Legal Metrology. These laboratories are responsible for verifying state government secondary standards, testing models of weights and measures, calibrating scales and sophisticated measuring instruments, organizing the consumer awareness program, etc. 6. The practice of requiring users to stamp their weighing and measuring items by tugs, where appropriate, must cease immediately. The OZ, the relevant OZ, ensures that requests to recheck their scales received directly from users in areas without interference from any obstacle are taken into account. The acceptance of these applications in large quantities is scanned. No registration of users of weights and measures is required (ii) Reference standards for weights and measures are maintained at the Regional Reference Standards Laboratory in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Faridabad, Bhubaneswar and Guwahati.