A special court-imposed condition requires a person to stay home except for certain approved activities, such as work and doctor`s appointments. Home placement may include the use of electronic monitoring devices – a transmitter attached to the wrist or ankle – to ensure the person stays home as needed. Transfer: The presentation of a signed written order to the court office. Retraction: court decision cancelling or cancelling a contract; termination of the contract by word or action of the parties. The most widely used test for assessing undue hardship related to the excusability of a student loan includes three conditions: (1) the debtor cannot maintain a minimum standard of living based on current income and expenses if it is required to repay the loans; 2. it appears that the situation is likely to continue for a significant portion of the repayment period; and (3) the debtor made good faith efforts to repay the loans. Warranty: A promise to perform, perform, repair or indemnify any loss suffered if a declared fact is found to be false; a promise that a fact is true. Imprisonment for two or more offences to be served simultaneously and not consecutively. Example: Two five-year prison sentences and a three-year term if served at the same time result in a maximum of five years behind bars. The legal power of a court to hear and decide a particular type of case. It is also used as a synonym for jurisdiction, i.e.
the geographical area over which the court has territorial jurisdiction to rule on cases. The patient is injected with positrons and then, once the positrons have become effective, glucose is administered by intravenous infusion. When sugar reaches the brain, the analysis measures normal patterns of abnormal use. An X-ray is a useful diagnostic tool for visualizing body structures. However, X-rays are limited compared to other sophisticated images that are now available. However, X-rays are a great place to start. The most common application of radiography is the diagnosis of fractures and dislocations, certain tumors, tuberculosis, osteoarthritis and other structural abnormalities. An unsecured claim that is entitled to be paid before other unsecured claims that do not have priority. Priority refers to the order in which such unsecured claims are to be paid. FindLaw.com Free and reliable legal information for consumers and legal professionals Irreparable harm: damage such that it cannot be remedied in court and does not lend itself to full financial compensation.
In general, if an unlawful act has caused or will cause irreparable harm, the courts issue an injunction prohibiting the action. A district court may grant either party to civil or criminal proceedings the right to expel a number of potential jurors without cause or explanation. Breach of contract: Failure to comply with a contractual obligation without legal excuse. Factor: A person entrusted with the possession of goods for sale on behalf of letter carriers. A postman is someone who receives goods from a client and sells them for a commission. Offer of evidence: An offer of evidence declared inadmissible by the court in order to constitute an appeal file. The legal classification of unsecured claims in the Insolvency Code, which determines the order in which unsecured claims are paid when there is not enough money to pay all unsecured claims in full. Allegation: A statement or statement of fact that a party expects to prove and that is usually set out in a pleading (complaint). An injunction that automatically stops lawsuits, seizures, seizures and most collection activities against the debtor as soon as a bankruptcy application is filed. A debt secured by an asset that is worth less than the amount of debt. Trade secret: Any formula, process, plan or mechanism developed and used in relation to a business and kept private or secret in order to gain an advantage over competitors.
Immunity: An exemption from prosecution for a witness to answer questions that might otherwise not be disclosed because of the constitutional privilege of self-incrimination. A district court bailiff who conducts initial proceedings in criminal cases, decides criminal cases, conducts numerous preliminary civil and criminal cases on behalf of district judges, and decides civil cases with the consent of the parties. Time is essential: a contractual clause that sets the time of execution and sets the time as critical, so that non-performance within this period constitutes a delay. Work Product: Work performed by a lawyer in the course of representing a client who is privileged and cannot be obtained by an opposing party. Chapter of the Insolvency Code that provides for „liquidation”, i.e. the sale of a debtor`s non-exempt assets and the distribution of the proceeds to creditors. To be eligible for Chapter 7, the debtor must pass a „means test”. The court assesses the debtor`s income and expenses to determine whether the debtor can sue under Chapter 7.