The messages and rules weren`t clear to many people who wanted to get vaccinated, it wasn`t the fault of the local people in Hackney, but as a volunteer, I had to turn away people who showed up with an elderly parent and asked if they could get one too. The sad reality is that when people have low literacy or digital skills, don`t really understand the rules, and are rejected, they can simply give up. It is unclear when UK businesses will regain confidence in travel and business, it will have to happen. Whether it`s later this year or early next year, we`ll have to wait and see. It is unclear how easy it would be for European customers to switch their payments in rubles, given the volume of these purchases. Reports of DHS`s involvement in efforts to be the arbiter of truth on high-profile issues are extremely worrying, not DHS`s role, as evidenced by the fierce backlash and final dissolution of the Disinformation Governance Council earlier this year. Simply put, the American people do not approve of the Department engaging in ambiguous, irresponsible, and opaque efforts driven by the Biden administration`s ever-changing definition of „truth.” That is absolutely correct. If a couple were synonymous with two, it would be an empty word, the purpose of encompassing more than 2 (unless you`re talking about two things that are always related, like 2 people in a close relationship). Of course, the right answer to these questions is always (i) it depends on where you are, as local customs are different, and (ii) context is also important. But I think these words are not synonymous with 2 and 3 and a little more than 3, these are domains that are used to intentionally introduce some uncertainty, either because the speaker does not know the exact number, or because he wants to maintain some flexibility or ambiguity. And the reason we have these debates about „one couple,” „some,” and „many” is because we don`t all agree on exactly where the domains are, in our own use or in the general use around us. Revenge is not and never will be synonymous with justification.

To me, this motion sounds like a good idea because it won`t hurt Gawker to do so at this point, but it probably won`t succeed because it`s hard to overturn the jury`s verdict and it`s not clear how relevant the additional recordings would have been. Think of a guy who writes such a veiled, ambiguous, absolutely sloppy sentence and cooks such a mess! You all know what to send Matt for April Fool`s Day next year. Slap them on a postcard and run! The difference between a few and several is that several indicate a number, with many of the above suggestions being appropriate, but some give a percentage. A few bad apples in a barrel might indicate 10 or 20, but a few bad eggs in a dozen might be two or three. The distinction in the definitions seems to refer to the specific region, region or place where you attended primary school. Words were taught this way. A couple was 2. A few were 3 to 4. Several were considered a vague term, with 4 to 8 being the accepted meaning.

A dozen were 12, 13 or 14 years old at a farmer`s market. It could be combined with pairs, few and several dozen to give a general estimate. Some and a group, as well as a group or several, could only be defined in the competition used with a group, and many considered more. We all know that a bubbler and not a fountain is the right term for the fixture or unit, usually in a public space from where you get a glass of water. A fountain is a place where coins are thrown. Yes, I live in Wisconsin. One pair means two. A few means a small number. („I have less than you”/”they are few”) Several, according to his dictionary definition, means „more than two, but not many,” so a few, but not a pair.

And some, according to the dictionary, mean „an unspecified quantity or number.” Depending on the context, „little” (without the „a” that precedes it) can mean little or nothing. For example, you may have few options. In Korea, Korean English classes throughout the country – or at least in the southern half – officially cover this topic. That`s because it`s in what`s being investigated in CSAT, which is like the Korean version of SAT, but is regulated and enforced by the government as the main standard for universities to nominate candidates (with much better quality questions, but still with terrible results as the main standard of everything). This is EXACTLY what I was taught! In fact, it bothers me that it doesn`t seem to be a well-known thing and that it is used so vaguely that it is widely misinterpreted when used correctly. I`ve gotten to the point where when I start a new job/relationship (boyfriend or not), at some point I clarify the definition so we can be on the same page. It`s nice to find someone who knows and confirms what I`ve been taught. Well, I often tell my wife that I`m going to the pub to have „a few” pints, and that usually equates to 5 or 6. If I ask for fries or M&Ms and someone gives me 2, I would be fine. vague, ambiguous, obscure, insecure, blurry, clear, blurry, opaque, ill-defined, confusing, woolly, dark, blurry, inaccurate, non-specific Is regular coffee „normal or decaffeinated”? Black coffee is an ordinary coffee without sugar or cream. Some people refer to coffee with cream as „with cream” or „whitening”. The same people would say „with sugar” or „sweet.” It all depends on which part of the country you are in.

I drink my coffee black. When I am asked, I am asked, „Room for cream?” Where I am your doctor from your coffee yourself, it is always served black. Unless you`re at a Starbucks and ordering a beer. I`m from Wisconsin and I often drank bubblers as a kid. However, a few of them (perhaps due to my lack of judgment) seem so ambiguous that they need a little explanation. Interesting read. 45 years old and all my life, I insisted that a couple be 3 years old. I had to leave that to the woman. In my experience, even „a couple” is not interpreted by everyone to mean the same thing. It is generally thought to mean „two”, but not always. The way I was taught in school is that a couple is subjective and can mean 2 or more, but is based on the power of two. 1 = Simple 2 = Pair 3 = Little 4 = Some 5 = Handle 6 = Group 7 = Multiple 8-50 = Many 51 – 100 = Lots 101-200 = Horde 201 – 500 = Legion 501+ = Myriad Certainly that !! I would think, geez, miser.

Laughing out loud. Governor Murphy of New Jersey said yesterday that we are still weeks away from opening our economy. Let`s not forget this: a pair is 2 (a pair) a splint (for example, of birds/pheasants) is 2 half a dozen is 6 a dozen is 12 a dozen baker is 13 (12 plus 1 substitute) Then we have: (suffix) uni- (1) (babies) twins; Triplets; quadruplets (quads); etc. (in music) solo; Duet; Trio; Quartet; quintet, etc. (wheels) bicycle; tricycle monopod (feet) (1); Tripod (3) In New Jersey, if you order „normal” it comes with cream and sugar, black coffee is a simple coffee with nothing in it and if you want decaffeinated, you specify either „normal decaffeinated” if you prefer cream and sugar and „decaffeinated black” and „decaffeinated black” or simply „decaffeinated” if you prefer without. It`s definitely a regional thing. Even the biblical roots of gender are more ambiguous than people think. I have always considered „some” of these terms as an approximate percentage of the total potential number or an absolute approximation in the specific context, with the exception of single and couple. Such questions regularly lead to ambiguous and gendered answers. A „couple” means 2 A „little” means 3 to 6 „Many” means 7 or more This is the closest to my belief, but I was taught that a couple was 2 or 3, also not specific. That was because why would you call 2 a couple? You would definitely call it 2. That`s what I learned.

I didn`t learn much, but I did learn a few. Test your knowledge and maybe learn something along the way. A few years ago, Infoworld published a spreadsheet listing all these things and more in an easily referenced way. It was very ironic, but I haven`t been able to find or mention it in recent years. There were entries like this thread, but also things like many, most, all (presented as different percentages), etc. I wish I could revive it from anywhere! In three previous articles (here, here, and here), I`ve touched on some often confusing words and how to choose the one that expresses what you really mean. Talking about these messages with friends inspired him to make: What is the difference between a couple, some, some, several or many? For example, if someone tells you you have a few options, how many do you have? Three? Four? More? I grew up in the Boston, Massachusetts area, and in that area there were maybe seven.