Little League Softball has mandatory minimum standards of play for its teams. During the regular season, each player on the roster must hit once and play at least six consecutive outings on the field in each game. A starter can return to the lineup as soon as his replacement has reached this minimum level. The tournament rules require only three outings and once on the racket for each player. Little League also limits the number of pitches each pitcher is allowed to throw in a game to 75 for players under 10, 85 for 11- and 12-year-olds and 95 for older players. Read the local league`s fundraising, sponsorship and branding guidelines. It is important that all Little League volunteers and parents are aware of the most recent version of the Little League Official Rules, Rules of® the Game and Operational Policies. On this page, you will find resources on bat information, rules and regulations, official forms and publications, policy statements and more. Little League Softball is the sister organization of Little League Baseball, both under the umbrella of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Little League offers a level of free time that guarantees playing time for all participants. The rules of its fastball unit are mainly to protect the safety of the players. The rules are set by Little League Softball, which reviews its rules annually to stay up to date with current trends in the sport.

Little League Softball uses the drop third-strike rule, which allows the batter to run to first base if the catcher fails to catch the pitch on third strike. This rule starts in the major division for players between the ages of 10 and 12. The catcher must either complete the outing by throwing first base in front of the batter, or by scoring the batter himself. The rules do not allow the batter to run if another runner is at first base with fewer than two outs in an inning. Each year, Little League provides its member leagues with the current Little League® rules, regulations and guidelines that describe and define how the program works. It is important that all Little League volunteers and parents are aware of the most recent version of the Little League Official Rules, Rules of the Game and Operational Policies. Published for all departments of Little League Baseball, Little Softball®® and Little League Challenger Division®, these rulebooks provide the structure and support to local leagues and districts to provide a meaningful Little League experience to all children in their community. Little League® University (LLU) is the free online educational and training resource for parents, managers and coaches, local league and district officials. Each of the articles, tips, exercises and videos available on LLU has been designed with the Little League volunteer in mind. The aim is for these documents to serve as a quick reference and to provide support and guidance to those running the Little League programme at the local and district levels.

Major and minor division players, aged 12 and under, play six innings, while players in the junior division and older play seven. The Little Softball Little League rulebook allows for the use of a 10-inning clemency rule after four innings in six-inning games and after five in seven-inning games. The rule of mercy ends play at this point when a team loses 10 or more innings. The rule is still enforced during tournaments, but local leagues can choose whether or not to enforce it during their regular season games. The Little League women`s softball field has bases spaced 60 feet apart and pitcher rubber 40 feet from the home plate. The minor league division, which is generally aimed at players under the age of 10, places the pitching plate 35 feet from the plate, while players in age groups 14 and older throw from 43 feet. The inner surface of the field is usually made of soil. Little League requires the use of breakaway bases to reduce the risk of injury when players slip into a base. We are sure that the 2022 season will be filled with a lot of fun and will leave many lasting memories for the players and their families. Remember the three F`s in our league: FUN, FRIENDSHIP and FUNDAMENTALS.