9 While self-reliance is really important to nurses, if it`s not just a matter of preferences, there is a need to promote behaviours that reflect this value. It is necessary for each professional individually and each group or group to analyze its meaning and scope and see the best way to concretize them through care. It is important to think about what professional values are and how they are transferred to society as a whole. Know that what society knows about the scope and content of care, our concrete contribution, is something that has to do with the behavior of each professional. Therefore, the knowledge and identification of one`s own values, the translation of professional values into explicit behaviors is something that concerns all caregivers, regardless of their specific place of professional activity. In our profession, values are strongly influenced by the concept of care, health, people and environment. Depending on whether the professional action is understood and defined, they will be one or the other. Place oneself in holistic ideas of positive health, care in everyday life, understanding the interrelationship between environment and health, proposing quality of life and not just the absence of diseases. It is to see autonomy as a value to be preserved, defended, promoted by care. Thus, health and well-being, the development of people towards a greater opportunity to live in health, the maintenance of the most favorable environment possible for the person and the search for professional excellence are increasingly the values sought and recognized for our profession. GUIDELINES FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Codes of ethics are an instrument to assist in professional decision-making. They provide the most important directions that nurses should guide in their professional practice. A professional code and therefore does not care about it, nor does it give concrete solutions to specific problems or dilemmas.
It does not describe all professional behaviors: it would be impossible, while the personal autonomy of each professional is reduced to nothing. However, nursing, like any other profession and even more so as a service profession, must have the clearest possible guidelines for correct action. The Code must collect, explain and elevate professional values, so that each professional can use them as an argument for his decision-making, for the justification of his professional care. The code must provide the data, the references, these are those that each professional must develop his own professional ethics. Therefore, they must elevate the moral principles that support the professional ethics of the nurse. Eston are: 1. The professional responsibility of a nurse derives from his own work, which results from the recognized competence of the profession. 9 4 They are named as follows: Autonomy, charity, non-malevolence and justice AUTONOMY It is defined as a principle for the user. Autonomy refers to the ability each person has to decide for themselves. This often requires the necessary information on the consequences of possible measures to be taken. Autonomy implies respect for persons, it means at least that people must be treated as autonomous actors and that people who have limited their autonomy are entitled to protection.
To respect autonomy is to value personal considerations and choices, it is, as nurses, to take care of the patient: beliefs, expectations, lifestyle, customs. The limit of personal autonomy is established when the behaviour is clearly harmful, harmful or harmful to others, or when the ability to reason to judge the consequences of actions is not possible. To preserve the autonomy of the elderly person is to consider him capable of making decisions, for this it is necessary to build an interpersonal relationship without coercion or conviction, in which information, doubts, taking into account aspects of his daily life prevail. The purpose of the information is not to convince older people of our proposal, but that they can have more arguments to make decisions about their health.