The statutes are the operating rules of your club. They determine the formal process by which the club`s activities are managed. A certain set of minutes must be followed, and these determine how meetings are held or executives are selected. Failure to comply with any of these points may result in fines. The best-known set of rules followed by most motorcycle clubs is derived from Robert`s Rule of Procedure – a list of guidelines that facilitate an organized, democratic assembly of club members. It is not an unknown fact that the process of introducing most motorcycle clubs is difficult and strict. However, some clubs have rules and practices that are downright dirty, to say the least. As explained in Daniel Shield`s revelations in the 2012 Justice Policy Journal, in which the Rudgers School of Criminal Justice graduate talks about the various outlaw motorcycle clubs in the United States; It sheds light on the initiation process that potential Bandidos members must go through to become a full-time member. 3. Application of club rules and procedures for group constituencies. 10. No member will embarrass the club by being yellow. (The above rules will be submitted to the candidates.

If they cannot abide by these rules and are not in favour of them, they will be denied membership in the club.) Motivated by radical ideas and occasional illegal activities, there are strict and strict rules to ensure that no member goes out of line or endangers the safety of other club members. It guarantees that they know what they have subscribed to and, in all circumstances, maintain the concepts that the club promotes. This also allows the biker club to select only those members who would prove to be the perfect suit for the club as a whole. Sometimes, as part of the initiation and to prove that you belong to a motorcycle, motorcycle clubs may order hopeful participants to race. The winner usually comes in, the losers face a volley of insults as they go home. Of course, different biker clubs have different rules for this one. As a processor or Mastercard merchant, you are critical to our success. And that success is best assured if you have access to Mastercard`s rules and understand how they apply to your business. If someone breaks the general rules, the board will deal with it and/or vote by the court.

You should also be aware that Mastercard rules and other standards change from time to time. While we always strive to keep the materials on this website up to date, they may not always be absolutely up-to-date in all respects. In the event of any discrepancy between the materials on this website and the rules and standards that Mastercard considers to be official rules and standards, the official rules and standards shall prevail. Life in a motorcycle club is all about freedom and loyalty to its members. But not following these 15 rules can have disastrous consequences. Meetings aren`t just a kind of beer – they run with different rules. Many of the old members of these clubs are former military personnel and have a penchant for „codes of conduct” for almost everything. When it comes to meetings, most biker clubs follow Robert`s fair play rules. Clubs marked as „more violent” also have a murky ritual for their new recruits.

This turbidity can be violent, in the form of punches and matches, or it`s about drinking – forcing a beginner to drink as much as possible before fainting. Different clubs, different rules – but not for the faint of heart. Bikers should know or read these things before joining a motorcycle club. However, some of these rules are quite extreme and downright strange, to be exact. Anyway, they are fashionable in many biker clubs and although they are strange, they should always be followed. Once the epitome of the free spirit and anarchy that began around the time guys returned home after World War II, biker clubs have now morphed into something much darker. Here are the 15 rules that motorcycle club members must follow, some of which may prevent you from joining one. Club rules are strictly enforced. If someone breaks them, the council will take care of it. If these rules and regulations are violated, it may mean immediate dismissal or suspension, as the board deems appropriate.

2. Assessment of matters not included in the Constitution or Rules of Procedure. These MC 1% Club Bylaws and Codes of Conduct have been submitted for use in efforts to assist education. Remember, as with everything else on this site, different clubs can be very different in different areas. This is just one of the many ways a club`s rules are established. 2. The brother must not fight among themselves with weapons; When one evil race fights against another evil race, it is a tête-à-tête, interested parties as well as members. FINE: $100.00 for violation of the above rule or possible loss of the patch. 9. If you are arrested and go to jail, notify an officer or member so they can arrange your bail. 20.

The race for „Beer with Bob” and Jimbo is mandatory, no excuses. There are many motorcycles popular among members of motorcycle clubs, a sports motorcycle is rarely part of it. While there are exceptions such as Japan`s Bosozoku, most motorcycle club members around the world prefer classic helicopters or cruising motorcycles as their tour of choice. Get used to trusting the sometimes blind judgment of these patch holders who will one day be his brothers and sisters. The most violent motorcycle clubs often need their recruits to commit an act of violence or an illegal act that may or may not earn them prison sentences. This proves their absolute and total loyalty to the biker club and the fact that new members risk everything for their beloved MC. 7. All Devils Breed fines will be paid within 30 days. Fines are paid to the treasurer. 16. Absolutely no conversations about club affairs with people outside the club.

No conversation about club affairs over the phone. Being part of a motorcycle club means being on your motorcycle. A lot. Most clubs have a required number of miles per year for each member. If you don`t ride much, you`re out of the club. Otherwise, you may also lose your rank and privileges in the club. 17. Every patch holder in Iceland must vote for the prospect to create an average patch. The vote must be unanimous. 4.

Interested parties must demonstrate a genuine interest in the club and the bikes. 7. Everyone will join the meeting with their bike in favorable weather, unless their bike is broken or not working at that time. When the club convenes a merry-go-round/meeting, all members attend. If a member works, is sick, does not walk a bike, he will be excused. 13. No member shall violate anything that the Club has voted for and adopted. 15. All new patch holders will be required to vote on confirmation by their 12-month date.

Unanimity of all good members is required. Feel free to download Mastercard`s official rules and other important documents below. 9. Interested parties must attend all club meetings and events. The club fee is $___ per month and the start-up fee is $____. Contributions for each current month must be paid by the 15th. A member who has been in arrears for two months or more will be deemed not to be in good standing and will not be entitled to vote at club meetings. 2. Ensure that members adhere to the rules, policies and conduct models expected of the club when dealing with other members or outsiders. A serious commitment is necessary if you want to be part of a motorcycle club.

It is not enough to stop from time to time; You have to be there when the club requires your presence. However, they offer ultimate brotherhood once you become a trusted member, so it`s up to you to decide what`s most important in your life. Breaking any of the following rules will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the club and probably an ace kicker: 1. Don`t mess with your brother`s guidance wife. (Probably a kick in the ass and a kick out of the club). Motorcycle clubs usually wear their place of use on the biker patches they wear, and if another club dares to wear the same place, it is taken with great hostility as an active call to war. 3. If a brother becomes addicted to a drug dangerous to the club, he will be helped first. Then it is the board that deals with it. There are many surprising facts about the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, one of which is the initiation ritual, where active members put body fluids such as vomiting, urine, and even on a vest and ask the new prospect to wear that vest and take a ride until the vest is dry. All invoices must be reviewed and approved by the board before being paid. All cheques must be signed by both the treasurer and an additional official.

3. If a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not present, his vote shall be invalid. Robert`s Rules of Procedure govern the parliamentary proceedings of this club, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws. The agenda is as follows: 1. The president receives the colors of the parent club of the region when a new member is elected. 12. During a meeting, there shall be no discussions among Members until the President has given them the floor. A sergeant-at-arms, if not present, shall be appointed and anyone who fails to comply with the above provisions shall be expelled. 10. Interested parties must do whatever another member tells them to do that a member has done or would be willing to do.

21. All club vehicles will be returned with all liquids full and in good condition. Maintenance is carried out under the supervision of the maintenance manager; a badge holder designated by the road captain.