Forensic medicine requires a thorough and extensive knowledge of the human body, as well as scientific preparation for certain specialized applications depending on the field of activity. These are the doctors who used to be called „medico-medicologists”. Currently, they are known as „forensic specialists”, because the development of medical society and its relationship with law currently covers a wider field of activity. If you work as a medical expert, you can also get a good source of additional income. The forensic pathologist is responsible for the forensic investigation of criminal offences or possible criminal offences, must visit the scene of the incident and assess the victim, biological remains and other evidence that contributes to the clarification of the facts. Social law medicine deals with various aspects: forensic medicine seeks answers to questions of a medical nature that arise in the field of law, i.e. it is carried out by medical experts. They are conducted in the face of legal proceedings appointed by a party to a dispute or by the court itself. We can also estimate relationships with external pathology when we detect injuries that constitute crimes against people or estimate damages for workers` compensation. We find relationships with physiology, bacteriology or internal pathology in the problems of diagnosis of cause of death, survival, criminal or accidental infections, etc.
Forensic genetics is the specialty of forensic medicine that identifies victims of a crime or disaster, establishes biological relationships between people, and rejects or implicates suspects of a crime. It is usually performed in an institute of forensic medicine. Forensics, also called forensics or forensics, can be defined as the branch of medicine responsible for studying and examining an individual`s corpse to determine the specific cause of death. Research provides a fair, precise and authentic response to the field of justice on many occasions. Forensic experts are needed to carry out the assessment of patients` health care based on: Forensics, in turn, is associated with human anatomy and compared when solving problems related to the identification of cadaver remains. The nature of forensic pathology clearly refers to the law. In this regard, we can find two aspects that we will see now. In each of the aspects of medicine, it must be carried out according to ethical principles of action for one of the areas of the relationship in society or its specificity arising from the doctor-patient relationship. Man is a social being, so psychiatry takes into account not only physical aspects, but is also related to human characteristics that are not exclusively biological or can only be assessed by physical means, such as: It refers to the study and evaluation of the state of health and physical injuries caused in different situations and contexts of legal importance, such as ill-treatment of children, torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment, medical interventions, accidents at work and traffic, assessment of the state of health of persons deprived of their liberty, etc. Forensic assessment of the state of health as well as the severity, course and consequences of injuries is essential during legal proceedings. In turn, it is linked to physics: forensic medicine uses its methods (such as fluorescence, refractometry, spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, etc.) in research. Forensic ballistics is the specialty of forensic medicine that studies small arms, their mechanisms, relevance and functioning, ammunition, trajectory and effects.
Forensic ballistics works in the four main branches into which ballistic science is divided: But there are also similarities between forensic and forensics, as professionals in both branches can act as judicial auxiliaries to resolve judges` doubts about medical facts. Both Directorates-General are not in favour. Forensic toxicology is the branch of forensic medicine that examines toxic, chemical or toxic substances on the body in relation to crimes, methods of forensic examination in case of poisoning and death. On the one hand, autopsy refers to a scientific process related to anatomical examination to find the causes of death. It is governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure and article 343 provides as follows: PJ GROUP`s forensic experts are experts in the field that exists in relation to medical discipline and the judicial system. Forensics, for example, has close links with obstetrics (the health science that deals with pregnancy and childbirth) and gynecology (a medical and surgical specialty that treats diseases of the female reproductive system) when it has to examine the problems of abortion, infanticide or sexual crimes. Like what. What is the scope of forensics? The forensic pathologist or forensic specialist, who is closely associated with medical law, acts as an expert called a forensic pathologist or forensic pathologist, assists judges and courts, and examines medical aspects arising from the courts. To this end, all features and details that may give indications of medico-legal or legal problems are noted. On the other hand, necropsy is also related to the search for causes of death. Nevertheless, it is more comprehensive than the previous one and sometimes serves as a complement to dispel doubts and complete the report. In which areas can forensic medicine be developed? It is the part of forensic medicine that examines biological or bodily fluids (blood, semen, saliva, sweat, tears, vitreous, etc.) to achieve one of the following objectives: Forensic medicine and especially thanatology are used when necessary: It is the field of forensic pathology and forensic pathology that examines every change in health and all other harms, that leave a material trace on the human body.
The change in anatomical structure may or may not affect the function of an organ or tissue due to external or internal influences that may cause injury within a certain time and space. Pathological anatomy is linked to forensic medicine to make the most of the expertise of an autopsy. In turn, forensic medicine will refer to the law in a particular way and, in any case, will try to know the nature of the legal problem that requires its help. Forensic psychiatry includes psychiatric forensic terms and is defined as the application of clinical psychiatry to law (criminal, civil, labor, canonical). Forensic pathology or forensic pathology is a set of scientific disciplines in the branch of medicine that deal with the application of forensic knowledge. Its main objectives are to clarify violations and identify perpetrators. In addition, these forensic experts are licensed pathology physicians who have knowledge of analysis: Identification of venomous animals: a relationship with zoology, which may be important and relevant for forensics, although it does not seem to be a priori. Related offences are listed in the Penal Code: Book II.
Title VIII: „Crimes against sexual freedom and compensation”, which has been the subject of several legislative reforms, is Organic Law 1/2015 and substantially amends the Criminal Code. We can briefly define ethics as a set of moral standards that govern the behavior of the person in all spheres of life and the coroner as an expert in forensic and forensic pathology. One of the most important points to consider when talking about their differences is the fact that forensic medicine is designed to provide a medical response to aspects that arise in the legal field.