The Associate of Arts degree requires 60 creditable college-level credits, including 36 credits in general education, 24 credits of acceptable electives, and foreign language requirements. The responsibility for meeting the requirements for an Associate of Arts degree rests with the student. To earn an AA degree from Valencia College, a student must have an active student record and do the following: MUT 1111 must be paired with MUL 1010 to meet the requirements of institutional humanities and the Gordon Rule. Most college-level credit courses taught in Valencia count towards electives. All credits exceeding the minimum required in any of the five core areas listed above will count as optional points. University majors require certain prerequisite courses prior to transfer; These are the courses that should be taken as a choice in Valencia. The general education program consists of 36 semester credits, which form the core of the program. The 36 credits are selected from 5 core areas of the academic courses offered in Valencia: communication, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences. Note: Meeting this Valencia degree requirement may also meet the foreign language admission requirements for Florida public universities. It may or may not meet a specific requirement of the Diploma of College Studies. Students are encouraged to inquire about the specific requirements of the institutions they are interested in.

Preview of unformatted text: 07.08.2018 AA Program Requirements – Associate of Arts – Valencia Community College Associate in Arts Degree Associate in Arts Degree Course Requirements The Associate of Arts degree requires a minimum of 60 credit hours at the college level, including 36 hours of general education, 24 hours of acceptable electives, and completion of foreign language requirements. A. General Educational Requirements for the Associate of Arts Degree – 36 credits The General Education program in Valencia is designed to contribute to the educational growth of the student by providing a basic education in the humanities and being an integral part of the AA curriculum. Karen Marie Borglum Assistant Vice President, Curriculum Dev & Art, Curriculum & Articulation Krissy Brissett Administrative Assistant, Curriculum & Articulation There are two approaches to general education in Valencia. The first is 36 semester-hours of academic credit, which serve as the basis for the program. The 36 hours are selected from 5 core areas of the academic courses offered in Valencia: communication, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences. The second approach is the 24-semester specialization program for interdisciplinary study and completion of SPC 1600, POS 2041 and the six-semester mathematics requirement described in Area 3. Here is the description of the first approach, and the second approach is described in the Honours section of this catalogue.

If a course set can be used to meet a completion requirement, a course attribute code identifies each course that can be used to meet that specific requirement. AREA 1. COMMUNICATION 12 credits Compulsory courses – There are 12 credits required. First-year composition courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C to meet the Gordon Rule requirement First semester composition I ENC 1101 FIRST-YEAR COMPOSITION I +*~3 or ENC 1101H FIRST-YEAR COMPOSITION I – HONORS First year composition II ENC 1102 FIRST YEAR COMPOSITION II +*~3 or ENC 1102H FIRST YEAR COMPOSITION II – HONORS Choose one of the oral communication courses Next: 3 SPC 1608 FUNDAMENTALS OF LANGUAGE ~ SPC 1608H FUNDAMENTALS OF LANGUAGE – HONORS ~ SPC 1017 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ~ SPC 1017H INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION HONORS ~ New Student Experience 3 SLS 1122 NEW STUDENT EXPERIENCE ~ or SLS 1122H New Student Experience Honours Total credit hours 12 AREA 2. HUMANITIES 6 credits Required Course – There are 6 credits required. Students must take three credit hours from the basic offerings and three credit hours from the institutional offerings. MATH 6 credits Required Courses – There are 6 credits required. Students must take three credit hours from basic offerings and three credit hours from basic or institutional offerings. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C to meet the requirement of the Gordon Rule. Any student who successfully completes a mathematics course for which one of the basic course options of general education in mathematics is an immediate prerequisite is considered a completed mathematics core. Core ^must take at least three credit hours MAC 1105 COLLEGIATE ALGEBRA +*~ (GR) or MAC 1105H COLLEGIATE ALGEBRA – HONORS MGF 1106 COLLEGIAL MATHEMATICS +*~ (GR) MGF 1107 MATHEMATICS FOR THE LIBERAL ARTS +*~ (GR) MAC 2311 CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY I +*~ (GR) or MAC 2311H CALCULATION WITH ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY I – HONORS STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS +*~ (GR) or STA 2023H STATISTICAL METHODS – HONORS Institutional students^can take three credit hours or plus MAC 1114 COLLEGE TRIGONOMETRY +*~ (GR) MAC 1140 PRECALCULUS ALGEGRA +*~ (GR) MAC 2312 CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II +*~ (GR) or MAC 2312H CALCULATION WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II – HONORS MAC 2233 CALCULATION FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES +*~ (GR) or MAC 2233H CALCULATION FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Total credit hours 3 3 6 HIGHER AREA 4.