The Independent Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws relating to drug-free workplaces and to make good faith efforts to ensure that all of its employees working on Vendée County property do not purchase, transfer, consume, or possess illegal drugs or alcohol, or do not abuse prescription drugs in any way. „Vendée.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 14 January 2022. The term Vendée is generally used in reference to a buyer of real estate. The buyer or buyer would sue for redress for a broken contract. A buyer or buyer; The one to whom everything is sold. In general, the buyer of real estate is used, the one who acquires movable property by sale being called „buyer”. Vendens eandem rem duobus falsarius est. He is a scammer who sells the same thing twice. Jenk. 107th century Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of other definitions and advanced searches – ad-free! The Vendée becomes communicator of 1/4 of the territory that belonged to the woman. Outside the France, there was no idea of the desperate struggle going on in La Vendée. The County of Vendée and the Council of County Commissioners, if they are not liable to the County of Vendée, shall not be liable for any tax under this Agreement.
11 Contronyms that you have unknowingly used sells (gold) (or its source, Anglo-French vendur) + entry -ee 1 With the exception of its forests, the Vendée offered no natural advantage for defense. What is the difference between „it” and „that”? the buyer or buyer; A person to whom something is transferred through a sale. Supported by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary. Vendée` means the person to whom a thing is sold; Ven`der, -dor, he who sells; Vendibil′ity. The Services are provided by the Independent Contractor and the County of Vendée will not recruit, supervise or pay any assistant to the Independent Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. In the event of suspension or termination, all payments made by the County of Vendée in which the independent contractor has not provided services will be refunded to the County of Vendée. More formidable enemies than the peasants had hitherto encountered approached the Vendée. The most surprising happy words of the day Why do „left” and „right” mean liberals and conservatives? „Epidemic” vs „Pandemic” vs „Endemic”: What do these terms mean? Show your appreciation with 25 more ways to say „thank you.” .