Hey guys, I often smoke weed of course legally ^^. Every day and I wanted to ask what I could do against my tolerance so that I get high again from a joint without having to take a break. Are there methods? In their chemical composition, NPS are modified against illegal drugs such as crystal meth in such a way that they do not initially fall under the prohibited substances listed in the Narcotic Control Act (BtMG). However, their use is neither legal nor harmless. A particular risk is that neither the exact mode of action nor the long-term consequences of most NPS are known. Can I buy an MPU legally? If yes, what is the price of a positive MPU ratio when buying? How does the medical-psychological examination really work? You will find the answers to these questions in the following article. Exactly. Weed is even one of the most harmless drugs in the world. Much harmless than alcohol.
GGraß is also illegal because you supposedly slip into harder circles 😉 Could you theoretically get high by eating the leftovers of the mill. I would be interested. Until the end of 2016, the legislator could only ban new medicines within the framework of the Narcotics Act (BtMG) or the Medicines Act (AMG). The problem was that, for each new synthetic drug, a separate prohibition procedure had to be initiated and enforced, which took some time. In the meantime – that is, until a new drug was banned – production, sale, possession and consumption were not explicitly legalized, but at least they were not punishable. Therefore, new psychoactive substances (NPS) are also known as legal highs. NPS are mainly sold via the Internet and offered under obfuscating terms such as „bath salts”, „smoking mixture” or „fertilizer pills”. Supposed ingredients such as herbs may indeed be included, but they only serve as camouflage and carriers for the psychoactive substance. In addition, so-called „research” chemicals are marketed on the Internet. According to traders, these products contain synthetic substances in their pure form. However, it is not possible to judge whether substances are really „pure” or which substances are actually contained. „Legal High” means „legal drunkenness”.
These drugs are artificial versions of illegal drugs that have been easily chemically modified. In this way, manufacturers try to circumvent the criminal provisions for illegal drugs and give users the impression that the substances they offer are supposed to be legal. In addition to „legal highs” or „designer drugs,” substances are also referred to as „herbal highs” or „research chemicals.” They are sold under names that deliberately obscure their real purpose – such as „spices”, „herbal blends”, „smoking mixes”, „plant fertilizer”, „room air freshener”, „cleaner” or „bath salts”. The consumption of „legal high” products is associated with significant health risks. Several cases have already been reported in which serious, life-threatening poisoning has occurred after consuming „legal highs”. This can lead to circulatory failure, fainting, psychosis, delusions, muscle decay, and even imminent kidney failure. Those affected still had to be treated in emergency medicine. The results of the current analysis show that „legal highs” are often a mixture of different psychoactive substances. Thus, even the consumption of a single „legal high” product can mean mixed consumption. This involves incalculable risks. There are still no conclusions based on the combination of „legal highs” with other substances.
You should therefore avoid mixed consumption as much as possible. Although the „not for human consumption” warning is usually printed on packaging, products are smoked, swallowed or snorted (consumed nasally) for poisoning. Imaginative instructions to use in coded secret language give consumers advice on how to consume „legal highs.” These instructions should in no way be taken seriously and therefore offer no security in the treatment of the products. Hello, can you get an ad later because of the purchase of Spice? Because the internet shops have now all been taken And allegedly all buyers are now being sued corresponds to the statement of truth.? Or is it a fatal lie! M.F.G W.H mushrooms are legal but chemical For the treatment of drug emergencies, there is practically no experience, even for paramedics and emergency doctors, which is why they are often relatively helpless in the face of the situation. The problem here is often that the active ingredients are unknown in case of poisoning and medications to combat the symptoms related to these active ingredients can lead to life-threatening complications. If products readily available on the Internet are smoked, swallowed or snorted, this often results in life-threatening symptoms of poisoning. In the majority of cases, consumers simply do not know what ingredients are contained because they are usually not listed. Therefore, the effect cannot be assessed. Legal highs are synthetic drugs.
This means that they do not occur in nature, but are produced in the laboratory. The funky, seemingly professional presentation of „legal highs” and „legal status” partly lulls the consumer into a „false sense of security” and contributes to the trivialization of products. However, a legal status says nothing about the dangerousness of substances. There are also no quality controls for „legal highs”. You should not be fooled here, because even in legal production, errors can occur and / or substances can be stretched. Always keep in mind that even „legal highs” are primarily about making money and manufacturers don`t care about the health risks consumers take! Legal highs are psychoactive substances that are not yet covered by drug legislation. They are often advertised as a supposedly legal alternative to cocaine, ecstasy and other drugs. If an active ingredient or plant gains popularity, it is usually only a matter of time before it is included in the schedules of the Narcotic Control Act and therefore becomes illegal. The ingredients of a Legal Highs brand can change quickly as a result.
In addition, the content information on the packaging of legal highs is not subject to controls, so it can also be deliberately misleading. In some major legal brands, no active ingredient has been found (snake oil).