Many people who suffer from rubber legs fear having a more serious physical problem. While weak legs can be a scary sensation (as it can be difficult to stand), rubber legs are quite common. Still, it`s always appropriate to talk to a doctor if there are any concerns. A doctor can diagnose or rule out possible underlying health problems. However, there are certain factors that can help determine whether rubber legs are the result of anxiety or a larger underlying condition: muscle fatigue is similar to muscle fatigue. As the name suggests, muscle fatigue refers to the fact that a person`s muscles get tired easily. A person can start activities or movements normally, but their muscles get tired very quickly. You may also need more time than usual to recover from activity or exercise. With my legs, which slowly turned into jelly, I descended the steep slope.

Some members experience jelly legs after exercise or when they are particularly tired: „I mowed my yard before today and had jelly legs again,” one member wrote. MyMSTeam members often describe jelly legs as an intermittent or occasional symptom: „My right leg looks like Jell-O. It takes 15 to 20 seconds, several times a day,” one member said. Another shared: „When I hug, I have needles and needles in my arms, and my legs go to jelly. Have you experienced legs that look like jelly, noodles or cement? Do you have any tips for treating and reducing muscle weakness? Leave a comment below or share your thoughts in a new article on MyMSTeam. The feeling of „gelatin bear”, which usually refers to feelings of weakness, dizziness or loss of control in the legs, is often caused by an adrenaline rush that removes blood from the legs, although there may be other causes. It is temporary but can be distressing and requires long-term anxiety treatments to avoid becoming recurrent. In short, primary muscle weakness (also known as „real” muscle weakness) doesn`t allow you to get your muscles to do what you want them to do – often when you`re trying to move after a period of rest.

One MyMSTeam member described how muscle weakness made them feel like they had to fight to get up. People with primary muscle weakness may have difficulty starting to walk after stagnation. You may also have difficulty climbing the first step of a flight of stairs. Many MyMSTeam members have shared their experience of physiotherapy to work through their rubber legs. One member said physiotherapy „helped them a lot,” while another said, „You`ll see the results!” The problem with anxiety and rubber legs (as well as other difficult anxiety symptoms) lies in the difficulty of determining the cause of the symptoms. Nevertheless, there are common differences between anxiety and a more serious underlying health condition that could help recognize whether one`s experience is anxiety-related or not. As adrenaline rushes through the body, blood travels to the places where your body feels it needs it most. This means that your blood rushes to your heart, brain, and possibly various muscles, and to do this, it rushes out of your legs, making them feel more like jelly. People with MS experience a variety of cognitive and physical symptoms. One of these physical (or „motor”) symptoms of MS is leg weakness, known as jelly legs. There are three different types of muscle weakness: Physical therapy can help people with MS manage leg weakness by improving strength and balance. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society suggests working with a physical therapist and focusing on weight-related exercises, with gradual progression as your muscle weakness improves.

You and the therapist can change the program at any time if your jelly legs also deteriorate. Fatigue is a common symptom of MS, affecting about 80 percent of people with the disease. Fatigue can indirectly lead to jelly legs. Being tired can cause a person not to have enough energy to exercise or be active in general. Muscles that are not used regularly can weaken or decondition, which can cause them to be atrophy (narrowed). If you have frozen legs or leg muscle weakness with MS, talk to your healthcare team. They can determine what is contributing to the symptom and work with you to find ways to treat it. MyMSTeam members also recommend using a disability poster for the car, which can be helpful for those whose jelly legs suddenly appear. There are several ways to treat jelly legs with multiple sclerosis.

In many cases, treatment for jelly legs begins with treatment of the underlying MS. Working closely with your doctor or neurologist may be key. Consult a doctor before making any major lifestyle changes. Several factors can contribute to the feeling of jelly. One of the most common is the result of adrenaline produced in response to the physiological „fight or flight” response. Unfortunately, many people experience life with their fight-or-flight system, which is constantly activated. In these people, the physiological response occurs regardless of whether something actually triggers it or not. This is difficult because the fight-or-flight response is quite stressful for the body. One of the symptoms that many complain about is leg weakness or „jelly legs.” MyMSTeam members have many different experiences with gummy bears. One member said their SP made them feel like they had „cement or prisoner bullets and Jell-O” on their legs.

Another member explained that his knee „just deforms when I try to stretch or stretch my left leg to a point where my knee is fully extended” for no apparent reason. The feeling of „jelly legs” can also be attributed to muscle weakness that occurs when the body is flooded with adrenaline. Adrenaline causes the muscles to be in a constant state of tension and eventually weakens. Anxiety can also cause changes in breathing, which can lead to weakened muscles and changes in blood pressure. Here we will consider jelly legs as a symptom of multiple sclerosis, including the causes and how to treat the symptom. With rubber legs, standing may seem unusual and may be accompanied by dizziness or balance problems. Dizziness and/or balance problems may be related to inherent leg weakness or be an additional symptom of general anxiety. Several factors can cause a person with MS to experience episodes of jelly legs. According to an article from BMC Neurology, people diagnosed with MS who are also sensitive to heat experience more severe symptoms — including weak legs — at extreme temperatures. As one MyMSTeam member said, „If it`s hot outside and I try to do a lot, my legs will give way or become like Jell-O.” Can ask all kinds of general questions and understand longer answers. Some tools and skills for managing anxiety in the moment include: physical therapy, exercise, rest, and other approaches can also help. The body is endowed with innate tools designed to protect us.

One of the best known (and most essential) is. „I`ve learned to speed up,” another member added. „I walk a little, stop for a few minutes, and then leave.” There are different approaches to managing anxiety in the long term. Some of these approaches can help completely reduce susceptibility to anxiety or decrease the intensity of anxiety when it is felt. Keep in mind that it can be difficult for health care providers to distinguish between the three, especially if one person experiences them all. In some cases, resting and speeding up your physical activity are the best options, according to MyMSTeam members. „I just have to sit down, rest and wait,” one member commented. These are not long-term solutions, but for now, using these skills can help reduce the intensity of anxiety and relieve some of the difficult symptoms, including weak legs. Damage to the nerves that control the legs can lead to muscle weakness or spasms (spasticity).

Damaged nerve cells and nerve fibers are also responsible for many other MS symptoms, such as: Anxiety really affects the way you think. This is one of the reasons why so few people treat him. You did it. One MyMSTeam member promotes muscle weakness – although progress may not be obvious: „Exercise like yoga, walking, and even squats help maintain muscles, even if there`s no sense of improvement.” If you post a question after sending someone a gift, your question will appear in a special section of that person`s feed. People with asthenia can usually still use the affected muscle. For example, you may have trouble starting to walk or climb stairs.