He could guess a point that suits young women of Somali descent. „In hindsight, you might suspect that ISIS has been working on this for years,” he says. However, she decided to suspect that „the nationality of the shooter, it sounds Hispanic, Latino,” based on his name. Conjecture (countable and uncountable, plural suspected) It was inevitable that they would scold and suspect – far more suspicious than they dared to spy. He should not assume or suspect that being with him disturbed or overwhelmed them. But therein – according to a rosy Mad Men guess – lies the problem with my imagination – it was just a fantasy. hypothesis (present conjecture simple in the third person singular, assuming the present participle, the simple past and the past participle suspected) But excuse me; Our job is to state facts, not to question or speculate. His hand sneaked his face furtively, for a purpose Peter could not have imagined. If you suspect something is true, you don`t have much evidence or knowledge about it. Close synonyms are conjecture, conjecture, and hypothesis. You might say, „I can`t even guess what he would do in such a situation.” Sursuppose came in English from the French surmettre, „accuse”, which is composed of the prefix sur-, „on, on”, plus mettre, „establish” (from the Latin mittere, „to send”). If you see empty ice cream containers on the table, sprinkles on the floor, and a box of whipped cream in the trash, you can guess what happened: someone made ice cream sundaes.

To suspect means to form an opinion or make an assumption about something. In any case, Sarkozy`s supporters are right to suspect that his imprisonment is a bad time for the offer of return. It can be difficult to guess the fate of these unfortunate people. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Middle English, allegation, accusation, from English, from the feminine of Surmis, past participle of Surmett write, accept, accuse, from Middle Latin supermittere, from late Latin, hang up, from Latin super- + mittere let go, send Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. From the old French surmis, past participle of surmetre, surmis („accuse”), de sur- („on”) + meter („fix”).