Eliminate areas that could potentially serve as shelter for wildlife. It is not always necessary to call a professional. You can prevent or solve some problems related to wildlife disturbance yourself. LDWF does not remove disturbing wildlife. Instead, LDWF allows individuals harassing wildlife control operators to offer these services for a fee. Harassing wildlife control operators are allowed to handle most species, with the exception of deer, bears, migratory birds and alligators. PERMIT (alligator licence) required to take, possess or sell alligators or eggs. Prohibit albinos or white alligators from being taken out of the wild. There are more than 100 licensed pest control operators throughout the state. Contact your local pest control operator for help with pesky wildlife. The harassing wildlife control operators are not employees of the LDWF or the State of Louisiana. Wild – Red fox or gray fox or coyote stored in a fox or coyote hunting site for dog training and/or hunting with hunting dogs. Non-wild four-legged friends – alligators, beavers, bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, minks, muskrats, nutrias, opossums, otters, raccoons, red foxes, skunks and other wild quadrupeds valuable for furs or skins.
Prohibits live foxes or coyotes caught out-of-state (other than those that come into effect at the time of enactment) and out-of-state transportation, including out-of-state sales, including domestic sales. Prohibits the purchase, removal, possession, sale and keeping of live foxes and coyotes in captivity. Wild animals, birds, fish and crustaceans in a state of natural freedom belong either to the State as a public person, or are things without owners. The seizure of such property is subject to special laws and regulations. 3413 Wildlife, birds, fish and shellfish PERMIT (wildlife rehabilitation permit) required to keep, keep or possess or rehabilitate sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. 52. `fish` (name) means all fish, crustaceans and crustaceans and all other species of aquatic organisms. 67. `wild fish` means all of the following species of freshwater and saltwater fish: (a) wild freshwater fish: large mule (Micropterus salmoides), spotted fish (Micropterus punctulatus), grayling fish (Ambloplites ariommus), blackbird or whitebird (Pomoxis nigromaculatus, P. annularis), white bass (Morone chrysops), yellowfish (Morone mississippiensi), striped bass (Morone saxatillis), hybrid striped bass (cross of whitefish or cross of yellow fish of striped bass), and any type of sea bream (Lepomis sp.). (b) Wild saltwater fish include sailfish (Istiopharus platypterus), blue marlin (Makaira indica), black marlin (Makaira nigricans), striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax), beilmarlin (Tetrapturus spp.), white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).
Wild fish – freshwater game (largemouth/spotted/grayling/white/yellow/striped/hybrid bass, blackbird, and sea bream (Lepomis)) and saltwater game (sailboat, blue/black/striped/axe/white marlin, red drum)Wildlife – all wild vertebrates (Louisiana Rev. Statutes 56:8) The owner of a property may prohibit anyone from entering for hunting or fishing purposes. and so on. Despite an entry ban, captured wild animals belong to the kidnapper. Export restriction: deer caught in the wild from 15 April to 15 April. June (must be released) Alternative farm animals = imported or domestically raised exotic deer and antelope, on-farm moose and white-tailed deer (raised for purchase, sale or trade, except game, zoo or wildlife show)LICENCE (farm breeding licence) required to keep alternative livestock for commercial purposes, breed harvest, contain, slaughter, buy, sell, exchange or transfer. So, if you wanted to create a wildlife park like Joe Exotic, you would have to leave the great state of Louisiana. PERMIT (Film/Entertainment Industry Animal Permit) required to own, purchase and educate Los Angeles wildlife for film, film, entertainment and education. Make sure there is no wildlife food in your home. Prohibits the release of animals, birds or aquatic creatures used for agriculture, science, research, trade, public reproduction, protective custody or education, with a fine of up to $1000 and/or 1 year imprisonment.
(Louisiana Rev. Statutes 14:228.1) PERMIT (Game Licence – $50) required to raise and sell North American native deer (pre-2002), quadrupeds, domesticated wild birds and domesticated wild waterfowl on farms or breeding reserves. Health certificate and notification of number required within 10 days for the importation of wild or semi-wild animals. (7 Louisiana Admin. Code Part XXI, c. 5) PERMIT (Rainbow Trout Stocking Permit) required to keep rainbow trout in public or private waters. PERMIT (Ashian-nosed Sturgeon licence required for the import, export, breeding, disposal and transportation of sturgeon with shovels for aquaculture. Prohibition of commercial takeover, possession, sale, purchase, trade, barter and exchange of restricted turtles. If you require assistance, please contact your regional wildlife office. (NEW permit fees increased as indicated below – Law 356 – Effective 15.11.21) TURTLE Farmer License (Turtle Farmer License) required to raise, hatch, propagate, raise, grow, receive, ship, transport, export or sell turtles or turtle eggs.
PERMIT (aquarium breeding licence) required to import, export, transport, dispose of or transfer live aquarium livestock for commercial cultivation or breeding. PERMIT (Domesticated Aquatic Organisms License) required to transport or sell domestic aquatic organisms. $25 residents / $500 non-residents REGULATES the breeding or sale of native ratites for offspring and certain parts for commercial purposes. For more information, see Outlaw Quadrupeds and Nutrias and Harmful Beavers. Prohibits the possession, sale and transport of freshwater eels (Electrophorus), redheads, Asian marshes (Synbranchidae), snakeheads (Channidae), stray catfish, penciled catfish (Trichomycteridae), tilapia and carp. To obtain a freshwater or saltwater licence, contact Rob Bourgeois at rbourgeois@wlf.la.gov or 225.765.0765. For information on the FDLT Wildlife Diversity Program or land permits, please contact Sarabeth Klueh-Mundy at sklueh-mundy@wlf.la.gov or 225.765.0239. AQUACULTURE SPECIES ALLOWEDspecies with *special permitsShadowfish (up to 6″)Whitefish (up to 6″)Yellowfish (up to 6″)Crappia (up to 6″)Sea bream (up to 6″)Spotted bassStriped bassGreat mulbarBlue Perchcuivated striped hybrid (up to 6″)Bluegill x Greenfish OR Red-eared Sunfish x Bluegill – up to 6″)Carp, Koi, Goldfish Triploid drum Grass carp* Tilapia (blue, Nile, Mozambique, Wami) * Shovel sturgeon * Rainbow trout * Aquarium Bovines * Cocohoe Minnowfreshwater shrimp * $100.
Complete the application and submit it with the applicable application fee. Call 225.765.2898 to check the approval status. Prohibits the maintenance, sale, exchange, trade and exchange of apple snails and Rio Grande cichlids. $50. Complete the application and submit it with the appropriate fee, which you must respect when registering. Call 225.765.2898 to check the approval status. If you have any questions about grass carp stocking, please contact your local LDWF regional office. Note that you can only buy triploid grass carp from an approved fry manufacturer.
Email the application, required documents and a copy of the payment to dbutler@wlf.la.gov or mail to: Dave ButlerPermit Coordinator2000 Quail DriveSuite 467Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (Louisiana Admin Code 76:115)Authority: Louisiana Rev. Statutes 56:6(31) Prohibits the inclusion of endangered and threatened reptiles and amphibians.